Lila's first "solid" food! Rice cereal - yummy! Mommy couldn't spoon it fast enough!
My baby girl is 5 months old now! :) I suppose the biggest development of the last week or so has been the introduction of food to Lila's diet! She loves her rice cereal and now eats the whole little bowl that I make for her. We also tried avocado, but that didn't go over as well. One of these days, I'm going to fix her some sweet potatoes and see how she likes that. She's always very interested when others are eating and trying to grab at the utensils. We figured that she knew what this eating this was all about and that it was time to start her. My goal is to get her more on food by the time school gets here - I soooo want to be done pumping at school. So far, so good! :)
In other news... my grandma has been visiting from Florida for the last couple weeks. It's been nice to have her here - she loves hanging out with Lila. They have a good time together - Grandma sings her silly songs and Lila laughs.
I was able to score Lila a Jumperoo the other day and she loves it! She jumps so high and just giggles and laughs. I'll try to get it on video soon and post it - it's so hysterical. What did we laugh about before Lila?!? Sure the dogs are mildly entertaining, but she's way better!
On Saturday, T and I traded in my exped.ition for a 2007 edge. It seems so much smaller than what I've been used to (probably because it is!). There's like an extra 5 feet of empty space now in the garage! I was driving all that around! For just me and Lila! When we got the truck a few years ago, we thought it would be perfect for hauling around a kid and the dogs and all their stuff and our stuff. However, the vast majority of the time, it was just me going back and forth to school, with the occasional trip to GR or up north. If we need to take a lot of stuff, we still have T's truck that we can all pile into. I can count on one hand the times that I had enough people in it to use the 3rd row. So far, I love it - it's the closest thing that I've driven to a car since I was like 19! T keeps asking me if I still love it or if I want to take it back. Umm... I think I'll keep it! It's also a nice change at the pump - I filled up yesterday for $40. It was never less than $60 in my other truck. Last summer during the crazy high gas prices, it was not uncommon for me to put in over $100 into one tank. Ugh!! I think this will be better suited for what we need. I hope so - T says I have to have it for the next 6 years!! :)
Also happening now around our house is a next exercise regiment - of running! A few years ago, I started running and was doing pretty well, but then I have no idea what happened and I stopped. T has been an on- again - off-again runner. Usually, he and Remy use the summer and early fall to get both of them in shape for hunting out west. I'm hoping to do my first 5K this fall. I highly doubt that I'll be able to run the whole way, but I'm not ashamed to walk part of the time! Lila loves being outside and hardly ever makes a peep in the jogging stroller - she's usually asleep partway through. So far, it's been going pretty well - I haven't collapsed from hyperventilating or had any injuries. Although the last few times I ran, it was raining so I ran on the treadmill, and today I ran outside. What a difference! It's soooo much more difficult out on the road. Although I'm also pushing the stroller, so that may have something to do with it. Oh well, I'm out there and doing it. This is the most exercise that I have done in like a year. Seriously. I did virtually nothing while I was pregnant. I either felt like crap or was too tired after school to drag my butt onto the treadmill. I remember taking smokey on a charity walk on the river trail once in like October and that was it. I think I was one of the last to finish - I just kept going slower and slower. I thought that being pregnant might prompt me to eat super-healthy and really take care of myself. Um, nope. Enter cheetos and hanging out in the big brown chair. Lila seems to have turned out just fine! T thought that she may be orange because of all the cheetos and spaghetti-ohs I was consuming. Nope- she's perfectly pink! :)
I absolutely cannot put into words how fantastic this summer has been so far. My favorite time of the day is first thing in the morning - getting up when she does, feeding her, and then just cuddling for as long as she'll let me. I think those are the times that I will miss the most when school starts again. Just us, hanging out. ARG! I'm crying right now just thinking about missing those times! My teacher friends reading this: PLEASE help me get through those first few days back into school - I'm really going to need it!! She's so sweet, just a living doll. Happy, alert, inquisitive, and definitely a Mama's Girl. Sure, she loves her daddy too, but it's me she reaches for - the ultimate self-esteem booster.
There's lots more pics on my flickr - check 'em out! :)
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