Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 Weeks

Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.

I thought that I had been doing really well, as far as staying healthy, but this week, things finally caught up with me and I've been pretty sick. Monday night I was in the chair and I said to T that I thought I was getting sick. Sure enough, Tuesday morning I woke up with a nasty cough, sore throat and nose full of crap. Ugh... Luckily, I only had school Monday and Tuesday this week. I had Wednesday to lay low and get some things done for Thanksgiving. We go up to T's aunt and uncle's house every year for an awesome meal and a chance to see some folks we only see once a year. This year, they also did a small shower for us! Very fun! The first present I opened was a handmade quilt from T's aunt and these two pieces of fabric. They were very soft and nice, I just had no idea what they were for. So I asked - I found out that they were burp cloths. Okay, so I've still got some things to learn about baby gear. Everyone thought this was hysterical. Therefore, every present I would open they would ask me if I knew what it was. Ha ha. Anyway, it was a nice day and even though I coughed through the whole thing, I had a great time.

Friday is customarily one of my most favorite days of the year. Black Friday - good deals everywhere. This year, I dragged my butt out of bed at 3am and got out there. I went to a few stores here in town and in GR and I was back home by 7:30am and back asleep by 7:45am. I slept until around noon and I was totally incapacitated the rest of the day. I had so much that I wanted to get done - it just wasn't going to happen. Today I did actually get up at a decent time and get some things done. Although, I only last about an hour and then I have to sleep for about 2 or 3. It takes a long time to get things done that way! Tonight we went to dinner with T's parents to celebrate his birthday (which was Wednesday) and then we went and finally did some real registering. I need to go again with someone who really knows what we need, but we knocked out a lot of what we think we need. We think. As we were scanning, we agreed that we were totally out of our element and feeling like strangers in a strange land. We still have a lot to learn before February rolls around!

Well, tomorrow is the last day of my nice, long weekend. I should go into school since I'll be gone half of the week this week, but I don't think that's going to happen. Between getting my house back in order and how it takes me forever to get anything done, I think that I'm going to need the day at home.

It's hard to believe that this is the last week that I'll be in the 20's. It's amazing that there isn't that much time left in this whole incubating thing. I'm a faithful watcher of Jo.n and K.ate plus E.ight and she delievered her sextuplets at 30 weeks. I can't imagine being ready this early! I guess I could be, if I knew that I had to be, but I'm not!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

28 Weeks

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

Hmm... funny that the update this week talked about eyelashes. I had an unfortunate eyelash incident this morning as I was getting ready for church. Hair was done, makeup done, just curling my eyelashes when somehow the damned thing slipped and proceeded to rip out about 3/4 of my top lashes on my left eyelid. I was in a bit of shock first, since it hurt, and then I thought, "Oh #$%@, what does my eye look like?!?" Sure enough, I look pretty bald in that region. So I cried. I cried a lot. I cried because it was swollen, because it hurt, and because I looked like a freak. I cried so hard it made me throw up. I hadn't eaten anything yet, so it was all bile-y yucky. So, I tried to put myself back together as much as possible and headed out the door to be choir director. Oh the way home, I did stop at the store and pick up some fake eyelashes to try gluing on tomorrow morning. If only my glasses were the right prescription, I could just wear those for a while and it would cover it pretty well. Grrr... curses on me for not going for my eye appt this summer...

This post should have been titled 28 weeks/Getting Hurt since I not only had my traumatic eyelash incident (don't laugh- it was TRAUMA AND DRAMA!) but getting the truck loaded for our super-fun scrapbooking weekend last weekend, I fell! See, most of my maternity pants are still too big for me - apparently I will "grow" into them. Well, my jeans are the biggest offenders - not only are they too big, but they're also pretty long. So, I wear some taller wedge-y clog-type shoes to balance them out since I think that when they actually do fit the way they're supposed to, that they will be okay. Well, I was carrying a case of bottled water from my mom's truck to mine and somehow my shoe turned and I proceeded to fall on my knee, elbow, and then land pretty much on my side - but on the water. I also ended up under my truck - which was kinda muddy from my crappy dirt road. My mom FREAKED OUT. I was okay, just scratched up and a little muddy. Oy vey. Me and my balance, or lack thereof, I should say.

Hmmm... other than that, things have been pretty normal around here. T is out back right now trying to restock our freezer with venison. My mom left today for sunny Florida to visit grandma - wish I was with them. :) But, I'm looking forward to the nice long weekend (only 2 days of school for me this week!) to get lots of things done. I've decided that I'm not going to go so ape-sh*t decorating for Christmas this year. Normally, every picture, every decoration, EVERYTHING gets put away and holiday stuff comes out. This year, I have some new pictures that I want up, but I think I'm going to do the tree, the mantle, the railing to downstairs, and then put up my Jim Shores (Gym Shorts, Andrea!!). That might be about it. If it stays so frickin cold, then I don't know if T will even get our outside stuff up. He goes on the roof for a lot of it and I don't want him up there if it's cold and icy. So our outside decor may also be a bit different this year. I just don't have the energy to do it all!! Plus, I'm thinking that a lot of it will need to be down before I go back to school in January because I really want everything to be all set by the time January rolls around. What if she decides to come a few weeks early?!? We have to be ready!!!

Speaking of being ready - I thought that I was really all set at school for my sub for my maternity leave. My principal hired someone for it, she had come in for me to sub many times already this school year - getting to know my class and our routines. Then I get a call from her this week saying that she got a job!!! How dare she!!! No, really, I'm happy that she found a real, live teaching job in a) this economy and b) this time of year. She felt badly, but she would be making like 4x as much as what she would as a sub, so I sure can't blame her. Again, I'm happy for her, but it sucks for me - I've got to train someone new now. My principal said he had a couple people in mind and would get with them soon and let me know who I would be having this week. Grrr...

Well, if I don't post again this week, have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

Friday, November 14, 2008

27 Weeks

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

I know I'm a little early this week, but I'm going to be gone this weekend on a retreat to a cottage on Lake Michigan with a big group of ladies to do some scrapbooking! :) My mom and I went last spring with this group and had a fantastic time. This time, we're actually orgainized enough to have things to SCRAP. Last time, it was just after a full weekend of performances (along with the months of rehearsals before that) and I had had no time to get anything around. In fact, I had to take the afternoon off before we went so that I could get some materials around. We ended up stamping - just making cards and tags. True, I was frantically packing papers and pictures and supplies last night and I have an order of pictures ready at Wal.greens to pick up on the way out of town, but I feel so much more prepared this time! Also, last time it was early May and it turned out to be a gorgeous weekend - we walked by the lake, sat out in the sun, etc. This weekend, it looks like we're going to be getting snow! The big room where we all scrap is surrounded with windows and looks out on the lake and I'm actually hoping for some big fluffy flakes. This time of year, I like seeing the snow. By about February I'm totally sick of the snow - especially this year the snow is just going to taunt me since there will be no skiing for me until next year!

I hope this weekend finds you all cozy and warm in the cold weather! Good luck to all the deer hunters out there - it's time to restock the freezer!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

26 Weeks

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

Anyone ever heard of an English hothouse cucumber? Yeah, me neither...

T was actually able to feel the baby kick last night!! I have been trying for what seems like forever to get her to do it and it wasn't one of her biggest jabs, but he was still able to feel it!! Very cool!

Last night we went to GR with my parents to celebrate T's bday early (about 3 weeks early, actually!). My parents always miss his bday because my mom goes over Thanksgiving to see my gma in Florida and my dad goes with a group of guys for a big golf vacation in Myrtle Beach. So, we went to dinner at the Grand Rapids Brewing Company - always fantastic food and I encourage you all to go (those in state, country, etc that is!) because they never seem to have much business, but they're so good and we don't want to see them close!! Then it was off to the giant baby store to pick out an off-road stroller from my gma and gpa b. My dad was absolutely amazed at all the baby crap that could fit into one gigantic store. We found a jeep one with huge tires and speakers for my ipod so baby and I can jam while we walk the road. :) Then is was on to a furniture store to pick out a new chair for our living room from my parents for Christmas. We came to the conclusion a couple weeks ago that we wanted the glider rocker that was in the living room to go into the nursery and we'd get a smaller rocker/recliner for the living room. The ottoman for the glider just took up too much room in the living room and we wanted it in the nursery. So, I had my mind set on getting a smaller recliner that rocked and was red. I wanted to brighten up the room a bit! Red!! While T, my mom and I looked around at the recliners, my dad headed to the clearance center and found exactly what we were looking for! Because it was in the clearance center, they wrapped it up and put it in the back of the expedition and it's now sitting in my living room! :) Our last stop of the evening was to T's fav ice cream place - cold stone - to pick up a cake. All in all, it was a very successful night!! :) We had a lot of fun - I like to call those kinds of days little vacations from my life. To top it all off, my sparties knocked off yet another team and are now 9-2 on the season and get a week off before heading to happy valley.

In other news... if you've noticed my baby countdown, you have seen that we're now in double digits!!! On Friday, I noticed that it was at 99 and I started freaking out a bit!! I sent T an email about all the things that we still need to get done and he didn't seem fazed a bit. I remember when I started that countdown and it was like 220 some days. Now it's under 100! Holy crap!! This all really is happening!! No turning back now!!

My last bit of news from this weekend is that we did a complete overhaul of our home office/desk area. I had intended to work on it last weekend and that just didn't happen. So, Sunday we took about 3 hours and did it. Here are the before and after pics:

In this pic you can see the mass disorganization and piles of crap everywhere.

Ahhh...This pic just makes me feel calm. Look at all that horizontal space without anything on it!!! I LOVE IT!!! And yes, we intend to keep it like this. We're instituting some new organizational rules for both of us and it's going to stay this way! The thing is, this desk is in what is now the guest bedroom and we're anticipating many houseguests to help out with the baby in the coming months, so that's really the driving force behind all this reorganization. We know that we're slobs, we just don't everyone else to find that out! :) hee hee...
Our next job is to finish the reorganization of this room and then move on to finish the rest of the nursery. My hope is to finish all reorganization/redecoration projects by the end of Christmas break. So that all of January and February until she comes can just be a nice, relaxing time! That's my plan, at least, we'll see how it goes...
My last tid bit before I sign off for the week is that we have decided on a name!! I do not want to post it here, however, if you know me well enough to have my email address, I will certainly tell you personally! :) Her name is exactly what we were searching for - different, but not too "out there", classic and old-fashioned, but still unique. I absolutely adore it and we're trying to use it to refer to her more and more.

Monday, November 03, 2008

25 Weeks

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

We're pretty sure our little girl is going to be a blondie - the only question should be eye color. Blue like me, or green like T. Just call us the recessive gene family. :)

Last week was plain 'ol nuts. Conferences totally sucked the life out of me. Then there was a dead-woodchuck-on-my-back-steps incident that freaked me out and then of course, Halloween! We did have Friday off from school, so mom and I went to run to do some outlet shopping on a beautiful day. Seriously, it was a perfect day - and Halloween too! That night I went to her house to pass out candy. We give out directions to kids in our classes since it's out a ways. I live about 20 minutes from school, I doubt that anyone would make the trek out here. We each had 3 kids from our classes come, and with siblings, we had a total of 12. Not exactly our best year, but it was so nice out, I think more kids stayed in town.

This weekend went by in another blur. Saturday mom and I went to a craft show that was more antiques and overpriced junk than anything else. Then we all went and helped my grandparents clean up their yard and flowers. They're both in their 80s and are having a hard time keeping up with the outside. Plus my grandpa has really bad knees that he refuses to go get fixed, so it's hard for him to even get around. We spent about an hour and a half and got all their leaves (there were lots) taken care of, my mom cut down all the flowers, and T washed windows. The only trees with leaves that we have at our house are down by the lake - none really go in our yard, so we can do our "leaf duty" there. :) Sunday was a bday party with T's family. Food, fun, cake, and kids running everywhere. Good times. :)

On Friday I bought a new desk at Pott.ery Barn and I was very anxious to get that up and in this weekend. However, that just didn't quite happen. T has it all put together, I just need to unhook and clean up the computer and the area around it. No small feat! I had planned to Saturday night, but we ended up going grocery shopping, and then I was too tired by the time we got home. We outgrew our current desk about 5 minutes after we moved in. It's the desk that my grandpa made me to take to college in my dorm. It's pretty small, and at our house, it's constantly piled with crap because there's no where to put anything. I get it cleaned up and poof! It's back to chaos in no time. grr... This new desk is going to be organized! No more crazy clutter!! It still seems crazy to me to buy furniture. Ever since I can remember, my grandpa has always made our furniture. We would go pick out something that we liked, or see it in a catalog, and then show it to him and he'd make it. With his health, he has now pretty much given up woodworking, which is such a shame because he made beautiful things. I guess it just makes me grateful that I have what I have from him. :)

Is anyone else's favorite day of the year the fall back day? I guess it's not exactly my most favorite, but man, it really ranks up there. :) A free hour of sleep. Doesn't get any better than that!