Wow, it's the end of August already! Whoa... I've been back to school for meetings a few days this week, and it's been fine. I had a bit of a meltdown the day before I had to go back, but it was much less painful than I was anticipating. No sweat! It's just getting back into the whole routine of things again...
Lila has now been to daycare for one whole day and 2 hours another day. She seems to like it so far! I wasn't worried - she loves to people-watch and with all the kids and action over there, I knew she'd have plenty to see and do. Next week we'll do 2 days in a row, and then the following week we'll do all 3 days - it's been a gradual progression! I think I'm the one who needs to take the "baby steps" getting back into the school year!
I took Lila to the doctor a few weeks ago and she was up to 19lbs. 8oz. and 27in. long. She's officially off the charts! :) And doing very well!!
As for solid food - she loves it!! :) She's so much better at opening her mouth and not sticking her tongue back out (as well as most of what was put in her mouth). It used to take upwards of 30 minutes to give her a meal - now, we can do a cup of yogurt easily in 5-10 minutes. Efficient! :)
I read back over my last post and I mentioned our weekend to the Tigers game and to Cabela's. Interesting time - we made it down to Dundee Friday, went to Cabela's, then T and I went to the game. After the 3rd inning, I had some issues vomiting (yep, at Comerica Park - a wonderful place to get sick - me and 40,000 of my closest friends). I thought that it would stop, but nope, and we left after the 5th inning. Poor T, I had left him to go get a hot dog when all this happened (not taking my phone) and I was gone for 2 innings and he didn't know what had happened to me. I didn't want to go back to our seats and then throw up again - ick. Well, this "bout" continued all night - urping up biley, foamy, yuck every 5 to 10 minutes for a total of 16 hours. Absolutely disgusting. Needless to say, we didn't stay long that morning. We all got around, and then we went to Lansing Urgent Care - which should be called the not-so-urgent care or "even if you're really sick you'll have to wait for at least an hour" care. They diagnosed me with the stomach flu - which I knew it wasn't, but they gave me a shot to end my nausea and a prescription. Two days later, I had an appt for Lila, so I talked to our doctor about it and she had me go to the hospital for an ultrasound of my gallbladder. Turns out I have gallbladder disease - and 2 gallstones. This led to a consultation with a surgeon who doesn't think that I should have my gallbladder removed - at least for now. Apparently the biggest factor they use to determine surgery is a person's pain level and I have none. I just have these freaky episodes every once in a while - although none had ever been as bad as this past one. I guess we're going to play the wait and see game. If I get pain, it will be removed, if I don't, I think it stays in. I was VERY happy to hear that I didn't need surgery now. I have very limited sick days this year and I didn't want to have to use them this early in the year because I don't get more until next summer! Ouch!! The surgeon recommended I have a scope done so I'll be having that next week to see if my issues are more related to my esophagus rather than the gallbladder. We'll see what happens!
We did get back to the Tigers for a 3rd game this season and we actually got to see the entire game! And they won!! :) We took two of T's nephews and everyone had a great time - rain delay and all! It was an early bday present for each and they decided that they liked it enough to do it again next year.
It's the start of another school year - here we go!! :) Let the insanity begin!! :)
1 comment:
Oh. My. Goodness!! These pictures are precious! I absolutely adore the one with the pearls, headband and tutu!
I must say, I've been thinking about cute tutu shots lately, and now I'm even more inspired to try!
Have a great start to your year, and post when you can...believe me, I understand how hectic it gets, but it's always good hearing how your family is doing!
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