My baby girl is 3 weeks old today! How is that possible?!? It seems like just the other day we came home with her. Now we seem to be on some type of a schedule - usually she's in bed asleep around 10:30 or 11pm and will sleep until around 3 or 4am. Although as I type this, it's after 11pm already and she's WIDE awake - it may be a short night for Mama!
We seem to really be more onto this whole breastfeeding thing. In fact, she hasn't had any supplemental formula in like 4 days. Yay! She's latching on well and she's even nursing in a different position than she was initially which allows me to sit back and doesn't totally kill my back like the football hold was doing. :)
I know that she's going to smile ANY DAY! So many times she's been so close. On Monday she cried real tears! They weren't streaming down her face or anything, but her eyes were wet. Her hair is growing lots too! It's not like I'll be able to braid it soon or anything - but it's definitely noticeable! :) She loves being held and cuddled and rocked - it's total therapy! You feel like there's nothing that could possibly be wrong in the world when you're holding a sweet baby. She's getting better about letting me take a shower. I put her in a bouncy seat outside the shower so I can still talk to her. Yesterday she let me get about half way done before she started fussing and crying. The day before, every time I would go to get in, she'd start to scream (that was the day she started crying real tears). Needless to say, it took me about 20 minutes to actually get into the shower. The water ran for a very long time!!
Today, my dad called and said he was going to the store and wondered if I needed anything. I told him thanks, but T had just been grocery shopping a few days ago. Then he asked if I needed him to come out to watch Lila while I took a nap or got something done - I had a feeling that he needed to get a "Lila fix" but just didn't want to admit it. So I told him it would be great if he came out to watch her while I took a shower (spare her the trauma for a day!) and did a few things around the house. He said, "Great! I'll be right there!" and he was! :) Very cute.
I made my first outing alone with Lila on Monday. It took FOREVER to get us both around and ready and loaded into the truck. I', sure we'll get better, but I know that at least for now, there are no more quick trips into town.
I know you're all dying to read it, but just an FYI, I finally finished Lila's birth story - it's not particularly eloquent, but all the facts and feelings are there. It's down a couple posts since I started it a while ago and kept adding to it as I had time/energy.
Here are a few more pics for you!
We actually had some decent weather last week - this was her first trip down the road in the jogging stroller. I got the okay from my doctor to do some walking so off we went. Although, I think I overdid it a bit. Hopefully more signs of spring will be here soon so we can take more walks.
Lila and Grandpa watching the MSU game on Sunday. Here she is in her spartans bib. She has several more MSU outfits to wear just in time for March Madness! :)

She certainly is...