All ready to go out for Daddy's birthday dinner - a few days early!
Dressed in her comfy 'I'm Thankful for Mommy' outfit to go to Thanksgiving.
Her feet say 'Little Turkey' :)
Thursday was Lila's very first Thanksgiving! She was teething and had a bit of a cold, but that didn't hamper her spirits. She was a very good girl and had a fun time with everyone - and of course, everyone thought she was pretty great!
Thanksgiving was also T's birthday. So before leaving for Jenison, we had a little bday party at home. Lila was a big help opening presents and then thought that the box was a great thing to chew on. If she thinks that's great, just wait til Christmas!
We've all been fighting some crud around here. First Lila had it, then I had a sore throat, and now T is down for the count with what appears to be a nasty sinus infection. Yuck! Please tell me it's not going to be like this all winter!!!
Despite the sickness, and definitely because we had 4 days off this weekend instead of 2, we managed to get all the Christmas decorating done. The tree was the last thing to go up, and I did that tonight. Last year after Christmas I picked up a pre-lit tree. Holy crap, is that the way to go!!! It took like 20 min to assemble - and that's because it was still all packaged up. I would usually put more lights on our tree, but it's fine. Last year I started a 'good enough' decorating scheme which then transpired into other aspects of my life, as well. I'm so glad that I did, I had the decorations I needed all packed away and I didn't have to sort through all the boxes like last year. Some year, when Lila's big enough to help me, I'll put it all out again. Until that day- it's "Christmas Lite" at our house and it looks good! :) This year I also have less shelf room to put things out, since a certain someone has found out how to clear a shelf that's at her height. We have also put up a big gate around the tree. There are just too many fra-jee-lay ornaments that I would hate to lose. I actually did break one of my favorite ornaments tonight and it was awful!! grrr... maybe I can find another one someday.
1 comment:
awh, so cute!
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