Lila's first Halloween was great! She was a pink butterfly, but it had hearts all over it, so we called her Lila the Lovebug! She thought it was great fun. The day of my Halloween party at school, Heidie brought her in so she could be in the parade with me and then T came to get her before the party started. I think she was a little overwhelmed by all the kids (who were thrilled to see her!) - she didn't make a peep the entire time she was at school. She was just looking everywhere, taking it all in!
This month she has become an expert speed-crawler! It's just amazing how fast she can get around -and all the things she can pick up and put in her mouth on the journey! Dog toys continue to be the item of choice for her to venture after.
Two days before she turned 8 months, she got her first tooth! Then two weeks later, the second popped through! I had all about given up on those darned teeth. Needless to say, breastfeeding ended not long after... :)
This week she turned 9 months old and is now walking with her doll stroller EVERYWHERE! Last Sunday, she took her first unaided step - so exciting!! So, Grammy and Grandpa gave her an early Christmas present - the doll stroller and dolly to push all over. She loves it - I'm sure there's got to be a sense of relief for her, to be able to get herself places - not wait for us to pick her up and take her! She's getting good at pushing it on the carpet and on the wood floor. She still hasn't taken more than a couple little steps by herself, but I don't think it will be long! She also is getting good at walking along with someone, just holding on to one finger, side-by-side. My big girl!!
Oh the sickness... since school has started, Lila has had 2 left ear infections, 1 right ear infection, an upper respiratory infection, and pink eye. Poor baby! She's taken it all in stride though... although some were some shorter nights than normal (and some were longer - a couple times she slept 11-12 hours at a time!).
Guess what? My baby likes to talk! Hard to believe, I know! :) She started out with "ba-ba", then "ra-ra", and now her favorite word of choice is "Da-Da". She makes kind of a song of "da da dee da dee dee da..." and on and on until she tires of it. Has there been any semblance of mama? NOPE!! I must say, I'm a little jealous... okay, A LOT jealous! She's also getting consistently good at waking goodbye and saying "bah bah bah" for bye. She usually will do it very quietly, but wake very big. Although, a couple of weeks ago, my mom was on the phone with Pat and said "buh-bye" and then Lila did this huge "BUH-BAH!!!" It shocked all of us!!
Lila LOVES to laugh! If anyone is laughing, she will join right in, even louder than the person laughing! Once she gets started, she really keeps at it, which of course is one of the most beautiful and hilarious things we've ever heard, and makes us laugh more. It creates a wonderful circle! Her little 2-tooth grin is one of the most adorable things ever!
I can't believe that the holidays are right around the corner! This Thanksgiving will definitely be different. I certainly have MUCH to be thankful for!
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