Good gord. I don't post for a week and suddenly there's a coup on the blogger horizon. Sorry all!! I've been BUSY!!! The first week of school is the worst. Ummm... no real good stories yet. Nut update: the kid who wore the nut shirt on the first day wore another shirt about nuts the second day. Our principal had a little chat with him and now no nut shirts.
In other news... Tim is buying a new truck! And I mean "new" in the "used but new to us" sense. It's red. I'm not exactly thrilled. Everyone in T's family has a red vehicle. The joys of having the color in our last name. But it looks like the truck is in great shape and T is happy. We are trying to move off the lease track. My explorer is up next july (hooray!! happy dance!!) and we'll not be leasing something after that. So this weekend we will be trekking to Jackson to pick up the new ride. :)
So does everyone have big plans for the long weekend? It looks like Kelly will finally be able to move into her new house so I'll be helping her. Tim is putting in a new wood laminate floor at my parents' house so I'm sure I'll be there too. I accidentally forgot to water a bunch of my mom's flowers while they were in FLA and so now I need to help her with them. Dirt. Yuck. We're also going to T's parents' cottage for the annual "summer is over, out comes the dock" party. Other than that, ummm... nothing else going on. So how about YOU, random blog reader!?!?
11 years ago