This is my good buddy, Matt. He's a fun-loving guy. Here we are at Melinda's halloween party a few years ago. Matt is in need of a girlfriend. Seeing as how I am totally out of single friends, I am petitioning to the blogging world to see if any of you know anyone we could set this nice Asian up with. A little info on Matt: I met Matt in the dorm at WMU, he is a very smart guy, tells REALLY good jokes, he's good with computers, he lives in Grand Blanc and has his own house. He will probably come over and kick my butt for posting this, but he deserves a nice girl. So, any ideas- email me!
What sort of woman do you think he would like?
I bet he likes 'em with big knockers!
Damn, he's cute. But I already have one!
I think that matt needs a woman with her own personality- someone who doesn't need to do everything together all the time. As "E.G." (yeah, right, I know who you are) posted, yes, a girl with big knockers would be fine. She should also like playing video games and helping fix up his house. Not that his house needs it, but I hear that he has been doing some updating lately. I live too far away to come over and help him, so he needs a girl!!
Blech - I don't play video games very much anymore - they're a waste of time. Oh, and a unique appreciation for Weezer is a plus! cmrteach, what's that big indentation on your backside? Oh yeah - it's my foot.
Okay, let me revise that comment to say that she shouldn't like video games. She should know how to leg dance gracefully, and possibly know a lot about Korean culture as to teach Matt of his roots.
Okay, here is the plan. Voss has no game, but that's no problem. Someone hook him up with some chick, first he will take her to a movie, so there is no talking. Afterwards, he can drive her to TGIF Fridays, where Ed will be sitting in the back with a transmitter that he can tell Voss what to say, because Voss will be wearing ear goggles. And Ed is smooth like Jamba Juice; he knows what to say to the ladies. Also, Voss can only drink Voss water. - Demian
oh yeah, ed knows what to say to the ladies. "Wow, you're a physics major? That's neat. I'm just an engineer. Will you tell me all about your uncle who discovered antarctica?" Thank goodness he found anita.... :)
I'm just saying, Ed could teach Voss a thing or two. Ed even knows the sprinkler and the lawn mower. -Demian
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