I've been back for a couple days now, this is just the first chance I've gotten to blog about it. Florida was great! HOT! But great. It was in the low 90s every day we were there. That didn't matter, we weren't outside much. We pretty much spent Saturday at the mall, Sunday was my grandma's bday (#81!)and we went to the beach and the lighthouse, Monday we went to a different part of the beach to our fav restaurant, then we left Monday afternoon. Busy busy! My grandma was feeling fine while we were there - just a little tired. No big headaches. She went to have an MRI and an MRA (anyone know what that is?) on tuesday and they found out that she had been having some mini-strokes. AAAHHH!!! I suppose a few mini ones are better than one big one. She's going to a neurologist later this week to find the next course of action. Scary stuff. She asked the doctor why she felt so okay while we were there, he told her it was because she was lonely. :( Anyway, here are some pics from our big weekend.... the little lady in the pink hat is my grandma. And yes, the hat says 'Yooper Girl' - she grew up in Manistique. The taller lady with the sour look on her face is my grandma's friend. Sour sums up her.
In unrelated-to-weekend news, my schwann's man is irritating me. He didn't come the last time he said he would. Then, I got home tonight and there was a note that he had been there sometime during the day and said he would be back this evening. It's now 9:36pm. grrr.... I was really looking forward to having a yummy lowfat treat tonight since I'm out of the cheapie ones I buy at walmart. No treats for my tonight. :(
In my next entry, I'll tell you all about the issue I had and am having with a little boy STEALING MONEY OUT OF MY WALLET at school. I'll give you all the juicy details next time. T is gone duck hunting this weekend so I'll have lots of time to blog blog blog away. :)
Someday, I'll see you on Dateline NBC as the former teacher of some serial killer explaining how he "started at such a young age".
I agree southsider, although I'm quite fond of the name you used for the little bastard when I talked to you earlier. 'Fucktard' will officially be his name when mentioned here on out. What should I wear when Barbara Walters comes to interview me for 20/20? Maybe I should start putting my wardrobe together, since it could be any day now.
Since it seems to be acceptable to say "fuck" here, here is my answer to your question about what to wear :
You want I should regulate? ;)
For the record, dyslexic girls do *not* like the "word verification" game at the bottom of your comments. :)
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