Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone out there in bloggerville has a great halloween! Today is a very fun day at school, but also incredibly exhausting. As you can imagine, my little darlings are oh so excited for our party this afternoon. They're already pretty pumped full of sugar, and then it will just get worse as the day goes on. I've gotta keep my little song and dance pretty entertaining if I want them to learn/do anything productive this morning.

In other news...
1. T is now home from South Dakota - hooray! :)
2. We got our new mattress on Thursday and we LOVE IT. No more sinking to the center, no lumps, just pure bliss. It is now even more difficult to drag my butt out of bed in the morning! My side is plush and T's side is firm, we had no idea a mattress could be made like that. Fab-u-lous.
3. Visited with old friends over the weekend and did quite a bit of shopping. Christmas is almost done! At mall #2, I had to buy a new pair of shoes because I just could not walk another step in mine.
4. I have shows coming up this weekend! It's our annual Music Revue. Come see it, it will be pretty good! I sing a solo - all by myself! hee hee... and a duet with Ben. We kick ass. Check out www.ioniacommunitytheatre.org for more info.
5. Finally booked tickets for spring break.
6. The countdown to Christmas break can now begin, and tomorrow is when I officially break out the Christmas cds.
7. Saw a production of Little Shop of Horrors on Friday, it kinda makes me want to do that show (we are putting it on next fall). Even though I have sworn off doing any more musicals for the time factor. I dunno, I have a year to make up my mind. I'll see how our "Suddenly Seymour" is received and go from there, I guess.
8. We're going to see the MSU men's basketball team kick some GVSU laker butt at Van Andel. Thank goodness football agony is almost over. Basketball will redeem us (we hope)!!!

I'll try to post a pic of my two chocolate babies in their halloween gear tomorrow! Happy tricks and treats everybody! :)


melinda said...

Make sure you post pictures of the dogs on costumes!!! I can't believe you are almost done with your Christmas shopping. Then again, I can believe it. I haven't even thought about starting yet!

kim said...

I wish I could see your Music Revue, Cally... especially your duet with Ben! One of these years, I promise! Your Halloween costume looked great! So creative! And I'm so jealous of your BED... sounds fabulous! :)