Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I am very pissy today. Namely, because there is school. Yes, I am quite pissed because I had to get up and come to school this morning when I had many things already planned for my snow day. But I'm mostly pissed because my superintendent wants to push her own agenda instead of keeping our students' safety at the top of her priority list. I had a lovely day on Monday. I got a lot of things done at home and I was looking forward to just one more day!!! It was especially nice given the piece-of-crap week I had last week. When I drove in this morning, it was negative 9. NEGATIVE NINE! On the news, Terri DeBoer the weather whore said that exposed skin can freeze in 3 minutes. At my school, all the kids walk. A lot of their parents do not have transportation - and if they do, usually it's not very dependable, especially in sub-zero temperatures. If I was a parent, I wouldn't send my kid to school if they had to walk! Right now, I have 3 kids gone. I thought I'd have a lot more than that. Ugh. PISSY!!!

1 comment:

Matt Voss said...

"Displaced" you seem to be thankful you have a job. "Pissy" you then seem to be mad you have to work! Perhaps you should think about the 5 positions that were cut and I bet those people would have been more than willing to work! Plus kids today have it too easy, snow days, blah - I had to go to school in -50 weather. Wusses.