Thursday, August 21, 2008

Adventures in a strange town

Today the conference started and it is very good - it's nice to know that the way that I'm moving my teaching and the way that our district is moving in is progressive and can make a difference! I think when every teacher graduates from college and gets their first job, they think they can truly change the world. What happens to that drive?!? Umm... time, exhaustion, emotions, personal life, etc, etc... Anyway, I feel like I gain a few of the IQ points that I know that I have either lost or misplaced since college. I used to be pretty smart and use big words and speak eloquently. Maybe 9 years of trying to simplify things many times over for 8 year olds has taken some of that away. Being around smart people saying smart things that I actually understand, actually makes me feel smarter. Wow, that was really eloquent, eh?

Okay, so on to other fun things that happened after the conference finished today. Shopping! Of course, in preparing for this trip, I printed out info on several malls and other fun-looking attractions in the area. I was truly in need of a few things - my mom's bday present, for instance. Her bday is the day after I get home. I found a Brigh.ton store and promptly took care of that problem. :) We then had a lovely dinner - expense accounts are fantastic things. On the way back to the hotel, we needed to fill up the Exped.ition and the fuel card they gave us is only good at certain stations (read: crazily located and very random truck stops). So, thanks to Tom.tom, we found the station and then had many difficulties using the card and getting it to be accepted. Then, when it was accepted, the PIN wasn't accepted. Frustration!!! A very kind man, who we think worked there, pulled up and tried to help us - to no avail. He then informed us that we should go find somewhere else because that was a "pretty f-ed up neighborhood." Lovely. Us three blond women (two of whom are preggers) hauled ass back into the truck and managed to coast into a very handy and well-lit Mara.thon. It was a great adventure. Ugh! We managed to get back to our hotel safe and sound and that's the important part! T was just thrilled when I told him this story. From now on, no more scary truck stops in the dark in f-ed up neighborhoods!

It's so bizarre staying in a hotel room by myself. It's so quiet - it's just me. And it's not like I'm totally here by myself - the other girls with me are not far away. I had a crazy time trying to sleep last night - different noises and I was absolutely convinced that I was going to either miss my alarm or it wouldn't go off. I woke up in a panic a few times. T is now going to be my wake-up call. :) The only other time that I had stayed in a hotel by myself was my freshman year of college. I was coming home from spring break and got stranded in the airport. I had no luggage with me for carry on- wearing shorts, had to sleep in my contacts, I was 18 and terrified. I feel a bit better now! :)

Okay, I'm off to take my pills and head off to bed for another day of sitting and then probably some more shopping! :)

One last thought - heartburn sucks. are divine.

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