Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Today I went for my 12 week appt. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! Whosh-whosh-whosh-whosh. A strong and steady 150 bpm! :)

Everything else was great - blood pressure, proteins, sugar, and all the other stuff they can tell from my cup contribution.

In other news... tomorrow is my last day of teaching summer school. Yay! It's good $$, but I'm ready for it to be done. Sleeping in until 9am- here I come! I want to enjoy it for my last few weeks before real school starts.

1 comment:

*G* said...

Congrats on the pregnancy and a great doctor visit! And being nearly 1/3 of the way there already - it's amazing how quickly things happen once you get that positive test!