Monday, September 01, 2008

16 Weeks

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length . Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too.

I have my 16 week appt. this week, and then the next appt. will be the ultrasound!!!!! As you can tell, we're a little excited around here to get that first look at the baby!! Yes, we are planning on finding out if it's a boy or a girl. Everyone asks me - some people are ticked that we're finding out, some people tell us we're so smart. It's all in your own choices. For us, with the baby coming in the middle of the school year, and me going back to school when my 6 weeks are up, we need to be prepared! Plus, it's our first one and I want to have everything all set - nursery walls done, clothes in the closet and washed, no "gender neutral" around here - pink or blue all the way!!!

In other news, it's Labor Day. Also known as the last day I get to sleep in until weekends, basically for the next I don't know how many years! I get to meet my class tomorrow morning bright and early! Luckily, my district got smart a few years ago and has us start the year with a half day. Everyone's so excited and this way, they can get to school, get a little taste, and then go home and take a nap. :) Although the teachers have to be there all day, I'm excited that the hottest day in who knows how long is our half day, so in the afternoon I can get work done other (cooler) places or keep the fans with me where ever I am. 90 degrees is a super way to start the school year. HA!

I actually made my way into the kitchen this morning! Basically since the middle of June when I started feeling not so great, I've been on strike in the kitchen. Sure, I can manage a bowl of cereal or chips and cheese, but a meal? Nope! Hasn't happened in a very long time. Poor T, he's pretty much been on his own for dinners this summer. Evenings aren't good for me for eating. Nothing sounds good, nothing smells good, etc. Usually, T would make his dinner and then fix me an extra ear of corn and that's what I'd have. Sometimes I'd eat at the counter with him, but usually, I was confined to my couch. My appetite has somewhat been coming back - we'll see what happens once my life returns to a normal rhythm with school. I have a feeling that I'm going to be coming home and crashing. Anyway, T and I are going to my parents' house for a little Labor Day thing and I made a peach cobbler with fresh peaches! I've never done that before, but I gave it my best try! We'll see how it turns out. :) I know a lot of you know about what I call "adventures in cooking" - all my stupid mistakes because I just didn't know! My grandma says that anyone who can read can cook. That is such a lie. It's just not true! Because I can read very well, I even teach kids how to read, and some recipes are just hard. Ugh.

Anyway, happy holiday everyone!

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