Sunday, November 23, 2008

28 Weeks

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

Hmm... funny that the update this week talked about eyelashes. I had an unfortunate eyelash incident this morning as I was getting ready for church. Hair was done, makeup done, just curling my eyelashes when somehow the damned thing slipped and proceeded to rip out about 3/4 of my top lashes on my left eyelid. I was in a bit of shock first, since it hurt, and then I thought, "Oh #$%@, what does my eye look like?!?" Sure enough, I look pretty bald in that region. So I cried. I cried a lot. I cried because it was swollen, because it hurt, and because I looked like a freak. I cried so hard it made me throw up. I hadn't eaten anything yet, so it was all bile-y yucky. So, I tried to put myself back together as much as possible and headed out the door to be choir director. Oh the way home, I did stop at the store and pick up some fake eyelashes to try gluing on tomorrow morning. If only my glasses were the right prescription, I could just wear those for a while and it would cover it pretty well. Grrr... curses on me for not going for my eye appt this summer...

This post should have been titled 28 weeks/Getting Hurt since I not only had my traumatic eyelash incident (don't laugh- it was TRAUMA AND DRAMA!) but getting the truck loaded for our super-fun scrapbooking weekend last weekend, I fell! See, most of my maternity pants are still too big for me - apparently I will "grow" into them. Well, my jeans are the biggest offenders - not only are they too big, but they're also pretty long. So, I wear some taller wedge-y clog-type shoes to balance them out since I think that when they actually do fit the way they're supposed to, that they will be okay. Well, I was carrying a case of bottled water from my mom's truck to mine and somehow my shoe turned and I proceeded to fall on my knee, elbow, and then land pretty much on my side - but on the water. I also ended up under my truck - which was kinda muddy from my crappy dirt road. My mom FREAKED OUT. I was okay, just scratched up and a little muddy. Oy vey. Me and my balance, or lack thereof, I should say.

Hmmm... other than that, things have been pretty normal around here. T is out back right now trying to restock our freezer with venison. My mom left today for sunny Florida to visit grandma - wish I was with them. :) But, I'm looking forward to the nice long weekend (only 2 days of school for me this week!) to get lots of things done. I've decided that I'm not going to go so ape-sh*t decorating for Christmas this year. Normally, every picture, every decoration, EVERYTHING gets put away and holiday stuff comes out. This year, I have some new pictures that I want up, but I think I'm going to do the tree, the mantle, the railing to downstairs, and then put up my Jim Shores (Gym Shorts, Andrea!!). That might be about it. If it stays so frickin cold, then I don't know if T will even get our outside stuff up. He goes on the roof for a lot of it and I don't want him up there if it's cold and icy. So our outside decor may also be a bit different this year. I just don't have the energy to do it all!! Plus, I'm thinking that a lot of it will need to be down before I go back to school in January because I really want everything to be all set by the time January rolls around. What if she decides to come a few weeks early?!? We have to be ready!!!

Speaking of being ready - I thought that I was really all set at school for my sub for my maternity leave. My principal hired someone for it, she had come in for me to sub many times already this school year - getting to know my class and our routines. Then I get a call from her this week saying that she got a job!!! How dare she!!! No, really, I'm happy that she found a real, live teaching job in a) this economy and b) this time of year. She felt badly, but she would be making like 4x as much as what she would as a sub, so I sure can't blame her. Again, I'm happy for her, but it sucks for me - I've got to train someone new now. My principal said he had a couple people in mind and would get with them soon and let me know who I would be having this week. Grrr...

Well, if I don't post again this week, have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

1 comment:

Lori C said...

i realized tonight i missed reading about the lives of the people connected to Melinda. it's good to see you're doing well and congrats on the baby! :-)