Saturday, January 24, 2009

37 Weeks

Congratulations! Your baby is full-term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away. He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

Wow, full term. I have a feeling that I'm not going to go all three weeks. Although, I'm hoping that she'll be closer to her due date, than say, this week. For some reason, I have Feb. 10 in my mind. Four days early wouldn't be so bad!

This past week has been an interesting one. I seem to have developed sciatica in my left leg. It is so debilitating. Some of the time, I'm really pretty okay, but then out of the blue, I can't walk anymore. At school on Friday I had my worst day. At one point, I had to be wheeled around in a desk chair because there was no way I could get up or walk. Hopefully, she changes position soon so that I can feel like a normal person again- or as close to it as I can!

In other "weird things happening to my body" news... if I thought that I had cankles before, then a new word needs to be invented for what has become of the area south of my knees. I really didn't notice it much until this morning in the shower and I looked at my feet and I couldn't stop saying "OH MY GOD!" Everything is crazy swollen and huge. So it's looking like my butt will have a permanent imprint in the big brown chair for the time being with my feet up. Ick.

So what do you think of my new blog layout?!? I thought it was time to mix things up a little bit! :)

I have another OB appointment on Monday - I'll see what he has to say about everything. I'm also going back to the chiropractor that day - maybe he can help me out too!

Friday night, my mom and I made a quick trip to GR to ba.bies r us and tar.get to pick up a few remaining things that we needed. We had a few more places to go, however this giant pain in my ass prevented me from walking very far. Oh! Something kind of exciting - at Tar.get, I was looking at the nursing bras, and who else was there doing the same thing? Cute little Rachel Ruiz from Channel 8! Local celebrity siting!

Not much is planned for this week. I am going to be packing my hospital bag tomorrow so we're all set for whenever. T installed the base for the car seat today. :) Now I need to drive down to the fire station to make sure it's okay. He also put up the bassinet that is going to stay in our room. The dogs still don't seem to know what to think about it. Remy is very interested in all the toys and well, everything. Smokey will sniff things a bit and then go back to the couch. I'm sure that he will be fine with the baby. Remy I think is going to be a bit jealous - he won't be the baby anymore! A friend who also has labs told me to carry around a doll for a while to get the dogs used to me carrying around a baby. I also packed a couple extra receiving blankets so that we can use them in the hospital and bring those home first for them to sniff before we bring her in the house. I think they're going to be fine! :)


Julie said...

Love the new layout. Very cool. Gonna miss ya at work. Enjoy the quiet time at home before Lila arrives.

Andrea said..., blog isn't on your list anymore! Sure hope Lila comes soon...can't wait to see some pictures of "the family"!!!

Christina said...

Rachel Ruiz, eh? Excellent. You have my total sympathies for all of the gifts of pregnancy you've talked about here. It gives you a new idea of what it means to be patient, doesn't it? Really, you've been waiting for much longer than nine months for this baby, and that seems like a lifetime...but these last few weeks can feel like a whole other lifetime. Hang in there, you're doing great!!