Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This will be my last year teaching 3rd grade at my building. Due to budget cuts, 5 positions at my building are being cut. Me, being the lowest in seniority at my grade level, is that position. We knew that some things like this were coming down, but we didn't know for sure until the school board meeting Monday night that it really was happening. Therefore, I will be in search of another position within my district. I have 7 years seniority and there are plenty of places for me to go. Unfortunately, I'll most like have to do a "bump" and take someone with less seniority out of their position. It's a not nice thing to do, but it's part of our system and that's the way it works. I am not a layoff or a pink slip, but unless 5 elementary people retire this year, then the people at the bottom will be. This is something that I never imagined would happen in my district. However, students moving out of district or out of state, have had a huge impact on us. Our economy sucks. We've had a really good fund balance up until this year, so nothing major (like staff) has had to be cut. Right now, we're in the position that a lot of other districts have been in for quite some time. I think what upsets me most is that my school is awesome the way it is. We have 5 good elementaries in my district, but this building has the most flexible staff, the most challenging students (behaviorally and academically), and we make it work. Our MEAP scores are great, we all go way above and beyond what I know others within the district are doing. Plus, we're all great friends and get along so well. I truly love coming to work everyday. Today was the only day in the 5 years that I've been here that I didn't want to come to school. Unfortunately, T said that I couldn't stay home. Our superintendent came and talked to each of us who have been displaced individually. That was a fun meeting. I was so upset by just the thought of the meeting that I couldn't eat this morning- not good for my stress level, but great for my diet. We have our bump meeting sometime in the next few months. I'll find out for sure then where I'll be. Everyone at my school is trying to stay positive and enjoy these last few months we have together. It sucks. A lot. But, life will go on and sometimes change can be a good thing. At least, that's my stance as of now. In the meantime, I'll be collecting boxes to pack up my classroom.

In other news... the party we had for our theatre group this past weekend was a roaring success. Lots of people, lots of food. Everyone commented to us about how great it was. And it really was! Party planning is one of my favorite things to do, although I'm really looking forward to not having theatre-related things to do this weekend! Oh, and BTW, I didn't win, but it was an honor to be nominated. Maybe next year... :)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Finally Friday

No, I have not been on one, continuous snow day since my last post. I wish! This week I took my class to our local YMCA for water safety/swimming lessons. The kids had a blast (it's usually a third grade highlight). Every other year, I just sit and watch - take pictures and get caught up on paperwork or take my phone and check email. This year, they didn't have enough volunteers to help out, so I went in the pool too. I love to swim and I had a great time. I'm always amazed at the amount of kids who have never been in a pool before. My parents have home movies of me jumping off the diving board when I was 2 and a half. No swimmies either- they were for wussies! Every summer we spent at the cottage and I was always in the lake. I had a little blow-up boat that I used to row all over. When I was little, my grandpa was worried I'd go out too deep and he'd tie me and my boat to a tree in the yard. I hated that damn rope. Anyway, swimming is great, and if you don't do it- try it! Or the lifeguard will just throw you in. Either way.

I did receive one oddball comment from one of my goofy kids. The first day that I walked out to the pool deck in my swimsuit, the kid says to me, "Wow, you're Mrs. R. PG-13!" I really wasn't showing that much cleavage! I never ever know what's going to come out of their precious little mouths. :)

This week I have been hard at work on a dvd for a little celebration that b and I are planning for our theatre group. Scanning sucks. Scanning poor-quality, older than dirt newspaper clippings sucks even more. I think that I am finally done scanning and can now put the thing together. BTW- I do that- make fun dvds for parties, anniversaries, weddings, etc. T thinks I need to start a little business doing it - if interested, give me a call. :) Anyway, the party is Sunday and I really hope it goes well. This is the first major function that the board has trusted us with. Plus, it's the first giving of our new awards. Like the Tony's - we have the Spiro's. Named after one of our longtime directors. I'm even nominated for best supporting actress for my portrayal of the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. I don't think that I'm going to win - but it was an honor to be nominated! :) ha ha... I'll keep you updated next week of the results.

In other news, I was saddened to hear of the passing of K's grandpa. Much love goes out to her and her family.

In more other news, I don't know what the deal is lately with all the people around me having those 'come to my party and buy stuff' things. They're everywhere! So far, just this week, I have purchased from Stampin' Up, Creative Memories, and Lia Sophia jewelry. Why? I have no idea? Moments of weakness, I presume. Will I have enough in my checking account this month to pay my mortgage? Maybe. Will I have some kick ass new stamps and scrapbooking stuff instead? Definitely. :) BTW- I'm thinking of hosting a CM party soon. Anyone interested? shameless plugs all over this post... sorry!!

Okay, it's Friday. It's after school. My report cards are done. My papers are (almost) graded. I'm whipped. Going home. Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, January 15, 2007

ring ring (part 2)

Love those 5:30am phone calls! :) Yes, I do have another snow day today. It's been a great weekend and now I get one more day of it! Why was it great? We had nothing planned. I got things done around the house when and how I wanted to with no time constraints. Awesome. I can't remember the last time that had happened. A long time.

I have been doing some experimental cooking lately. Since I've been on this diet/health kick I've been trying to find recipes from weight watchers or lowfat cookbooks. I've never been much of a cook (why? because my dad is a professional chef - he always cooked and I just enjoyed the ride, I never really paid attention), but now I'm feeling better about being in the kitchen. I even planned out our week of dinners. I feel so much like a grown up. :)

TTFN...enjoy our snow-covered world! It finally looks like Christmas!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Just a quick note - the Z pack really helped and now I'm feeling much better. Our washer gets fixed today! hooray! We're going to see my cousin play basketball at Hope tonight (he plays for Albion). I'm on a new diet/excersize plan and have lost 3.8 pounds in the past week. I get to really eat tonight though- Johnny Carino's. Love love love that place. :) Our weekend was not very eventful - until sunday. We had our final Christmas, with my Aunt and Uncle and 2 cousins. Afterward, down came our tree. :( I was sad to put it away, but it's about time. The "wintery" stuff I left up. I doubt that will come down until the end of January. The house always seems so bare after I take down the Christmas stuff- so I try to leave it up as long as possible without becoming one of those 'crazy holiday ladies' who leave that stuff up until the fourth of july. The copy machine at my school is broken. It is a horrible thing. I hope the copy machine near you is still working, I might come over and run some things. :)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm back!

To work, that is! Sorry it's been so long since a post, but I had quite a lengthy one I was working on last weekend and then by some strange phone line twist of fate (we have dial-up at home -bleck), I was booted off without rhyme or reason. Pissy is how I felt the rest of the day. So much so, that I didn't get back on and type it all again. I think it was a recap of our Christmas(es) and New Year. Long story short- Christmas- awesome, busy, long long day. Day after- shopping! and then napping and putting away presents. New Year's- we were supposed to visit some friends and then they all came down with the flu. Ew. We stayed home and had a nice dinner with my parents since they didn't have any plans this year. On to new things going on: 1. I came back to school on Tuesday. 2. I have a sinus infection which has now traveled down to my lungs so I have a nice, smoker's cough. 3. I hit a new blood pressure low at the doctor's yesterday - 82 over 60! The nurse said "Wow, you really ARE sick!" 4. The enter key doesn't seem to want to work so I have to continue typing like this. 5. Our washer broke. We now have solved our lack of places to ski problem- we have mountains of laundry in our house!! The motor seems to have died. It was making this funny clicking noise, and the clothes came out more wet than usual. T tried to take the cover off to look at it. That was disaster #1. The repairman came yesterday and has to order parts for it. But he hooked it back up so we could at least use it. Last night T was doing some laundry and the motor totally died. That was disaster #2. We spent a good 45 minutes getting all the water out of the washer, with cups. 6. I get a massage tonight! 7. I think that's it.