Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm back!

To work, that is! Sorry it's been so long since a post, but I had quite a lengthy one I was working on last weekend and then by some strange phone line twist of fate (we have dial-up at home -bleck), I was booted off without rhyme or reason. Pissy is how I felt the rest of the day. So much so, that I didn't get back on and type it all again. I think it was a recap of our Christmas(es) and New Year. Long story short- Christmas- awesome, busy, long long day. Day after- shopping! and then napping and putting away presents. New Year's- we were supposed to visit some friends and then they all came down with the flu. Ew. We stayed home and had a nice dinner with my parents since they didn't have any plans this year. On to new things going on: 1. I came back to school on Tuesday. 2. I have a sinus infection which has now traveled down to my lungs so I have a nice, smoker's cough. 3. I hit a new blood pressure low at the doctor's yesterday - 82 over 60! The nurse said "Wow, you really ARE sick!" 4. The enter key doesn't seem to want to work so I have to continue typing like this. 5. Our washer broke. We now have solved our lack of places to ski problem- we have mountains of laundry in our house!! The motor seems to have died. It was making this funny clicking noise, and the clothes came out more wet than usual. T tried to take the cover off to look at it. That was disaster #1. The repairman came yesterday and has to order parts for it. But he hooked it back up so we could at least use it. Last night T was doing some laundry and the motor totally died. That was disaster #2. We spent a good 45 minutes getting all the water out of the washer, with cups. 6. I get a massage tonight! 7. I think that's it.


melinda said...

Yeah! A new post! That is the lowest blood pressure I have ever heard of for someone that is living!!!

Lori C said...

i know it's not funny when it's happening to you, but it was funny for me to read it. i had a crappy morning and am happy to say you helped me feel better!!! thanks!! oh, and one time, my brother was having a physical, when they checked his blood pressure the nurse said "do you feel all right?" it was so low they thought he should be passed out!!! LOL.

Jessica Knott said...

Our washer also died, and I have bronchitis so bad it's nearly pneumonia!


Blood pressure, eh? Would you like me to anger you and raise it a tad?