Sunday, December 14, 2008

31 Weeks

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt.He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Kicks and somersaults are right. She is movin' and shakin' all over the place! I used to not be able to feel her much during the day - just in the evening and at night when I was resting. Not anymore! It's all the time. She especially seems to like being active about 30 minutes after I eat. She must like food - just like Mommy! :)

Saturday we attended our first Christmas gathering. It was a great time with some great friends!

Today was my church choir's Christmas cantata. I directed them for both services and all went well. The first service ended up being more like a dress rehearsal - the second service was much better. Luckily, my parents and T decided to come to the 2nd one and saw the good show!

I'm watching the evening news as I type this and they're talking about crappy weather coming again tomorrow. Of course - it's Monday!!! All Mondays in December seem to be pitted against us since we have to go to GR for birth class. ugh... We really want to go tomorrow since we get to have the hospital tour! We also go this Tuesday for a Beginning with Baby class. Good thing gas is cheap again!

T just got in from an evening hunt and he finally got one - an 8 point!! YAY! :) Gotta love a full freezer...

This is my last week of school and then I get 2 weeks off for winter break and I have a feeling that this week is going to go by in a blur. Although I do have one day off from school this week for appointments - the eye doctor and the dentist in the morning, and a massage and adjustment in the afternoon. T thinks I need to try to schedule an OB appt in the afternoon and maybe try to squeeze in some allergy shots too in order to hit all of my health care providers in one day! haha... I think I'm going to try to start some of my holiday baking that afternoon in between appointments, actually. Next weekend is our big time party and party-prep weekend. Friday we have my school's party, Saturday we're getting ready for some family to come over, do more baking, and go to dinner at a friend's. Sunday my aunt and uncle and cousin are coming over for our Christmas celebration. My dad has also agreed to teach me how he makes his famous New England clam chowder. My dad is a fantastic chef and every Christmas he makes his chowder (out of the Professional Chef's cookbook). It's a lot of work, so he will only make it once a year. I've looked at the recipe and some of it, I have no idea what it means - hence, I am not a professional chef! So, he's going to show me - wish me luck on Saturday that I can keep up with the chef!

How do Christmas cards sneak up on me every year? Yesterday, I did actually sit down to write a letter to include in our cards and for some reason, Word kept booting me out. Three times!!! I got frustrated and just gave up for the day. Maybe I can get to it a little later tonight, or next weekend. If you're anticipating a card from us, give me a little time - I'm experiencing technical difficulties!

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