Due Date plus one day. T pushed my foot buttons for half an hour last night - to no avail, apparently. My mom and I went to GR this afternoon to walk around the mall and a few other stores. I don't move very fast, but we covered a lot of ground. Especially for me - the most physical activity I usually get is walking from my chair to the bathroom or the kitchen. We did pick up a few baby things (shocking, I know!), and a few other deals, but not a whole lot. Tomorrow we have another OB appt. We'll find out how far over he's going to let me know past my due date. I'm also going back to the chiropractor and going to get another massage. Maybe I'll just have her focus on my feet the entire time. We'll see what happens.
Here are some pics we took tonight:

My super-sized feet

T helping to hold up my belly

"Come out and play!"
Hi Cally and Tim...
We were just checking up on both of you and your baby girl. She will come out when she is good and ready. I sense a bit of stubborness in this baby. LOL! We wish you a quick and painless delivery. We will be thinking of all of you. I sure wish I had been in Michigan to give you a wonderful baby shower as you did for us. Take care now and gets lots of rest.
Lots of Love, Anita, Ed and Madelyn
Oh...and I forgot to mention my birthday is February 19. Maybe Lila can show up then. I would love to share my special day with her.
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