Friday, February 13, 2009

Still nothing...

Today was just another day around our house - nothing out of the ordinary. I was up most of the night unable to sleep, but I made up for that this morning with a nice long nap. No contractions, no pain, no anything yet. T says he has things pretty well set now at work for him to take a couple weeks off once she finally gets here. YAY!

Tomorrow is her official due date - we'll see what the day brings! :) In some ways I think that it would be cool to have her birthday on Valentine's Day - a perfect present for T and I! But then I think that she'll get gypped out of a holiday - that Valentine's and her birthday will always be combined. I guess it probably always will with her due so close to the 14th anyway, so I should just stop worrying about it. More updates tomorrow...

1 comment:

melinda said...

Keep having Tim press the magic foot buttons!