Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ho Hum...

It's Wednesday, also known at T-minus 3 days until due date. Last night I thought something might be happening - but I think it was just gas (I won't go into detail). Today, I'm not really feeling any differently than I do every other day. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go get my magic foot buttons pushed and I haven't decided for sure if I want her to try it or not. I may chicken out and try for Monday instead (unless something happens before then). I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that any day now we're going to have a little person here. Also, independent me is having a hard time letting people take me places - my dad is taking me to the chiropractor tomorrow. Apparently I'm incapable of driving myself farther than Ionia. We'll see what tomorrow brings...


Melisa McKendry said...

Before you know it she'll be here and you'll wonder why all the anxiety:)

You're not incapable..Enjoy your pampering for your last few days...let your dad baby his gives him something to do to take care of you and participate...

Hang in there, she'll be here soon:)

We're thinking about you.

Melisa and Royce

Julie said...

So...did you got through with having your magic buttons pushed? I am just so excited for you. I wish I could put into words all the wonderful and crazy emotions that come with having your first and even subsequent babies.

Enjoy this time!
