Thursday, February 26, 2009

One Week

It's been one week since Miss Lila entered our lives. :) Yesterday was her one week birthday. She had a not-so-great day - she was pretty fussy. She seems to have discovered her appetite. And she's hungry what seems like ALL THE TIME! I'm feeding her about every 2 hours (sometimes sooner) and there were a few times we had to supplement with formula because I was out and she was still hungry. Maybe a growth spurt?!?

Today was the first time I was alone with Lila - T had a dentist appt. this morning and then ran a few errands. I am happy to report that we did just fine. I fed her a couple times, she had some awake time, and the rest of the morning she has been sleeping. We're hoping that her yesterday fussiness was just yesterday and doesn't continue. So far, she seems pretty content.

Yesterday was also her first trip to Meijer! Big fun! We saw a few familiar people (how can you go to Meijer and not see people you know?!?) who were happy to oohh and aahh all over her.

Sounds like someone needs me, more later...

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