Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She's Here!!

I'm very happy to announce that Miss Lila Grace made her entrance on February 18, 2009 at 1:57am. She weighed 9 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. She had to be delivered by C-section - I'll post the whole birth story soon - I promise. I am very sleep-deprived and medicated, so when my head is a bit clearer, I'll relay the whole sordid tale. In the meantime - here are some pics to tide you over! :)

Holy crap - we're having a c-section! Here we are all dressed and ready to go.

Here I am! The OB said "Wow, this is a BIG BABY!"

The first time the new family was all together

All cleaned up and sleeping

A very happy and proud daddy

She's finally awake!

The valentine outfit our valentine baby is wearing 4 days after Valentine's Day - she has to wear her Newborn sized clothes asap before she grows much more!

Awake and alert - just taking everything in!

Sleeping beauty.
So far, she seems to be a complete angel baby. She fusses when she's wet or hungry and other than that - she's perfectly content. She loves being cuddled and held and we're more than happy to oblige her! We feel very very lucky!


Julie said...

Lila has her first admirer. James was just staring intently at the computer as I was looking at the pics. She really is beautiful and you look great too. Congrats!

Kelly Sandborn said...

She's beautiful of course! Nothing wrong with being a big baby (I was over 10 lbs.)! Great job MOM. You're a MOM, holy crap. You both will make great parents. Take the good meds and sleep good tonight. I was home today with a horrendous head cold, so I think I'll stay away so I don't spread any germs. See all three of you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cally,
I was just too curious to wait to hear from you...Congratulations!! She is so lovely!! We can't wait to meet her and hope you are recovering will have to fill us in on the delivery :)
BTW...I LOVE her room!!

Anonymous said...

I should have left my name with the post's Gretchen!

Jessica said...

CONGRATS YOU GUYS!! What a sweet face!