Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Baby,

Today is your due date! We're supposed to meet you today - do you not understand what it means to be punctual?! Everyone is very anxious to see you and hold you. We've gotten about 6 phone calls today and about 10 emails wondering how things are going and if anything is happening yet. It's all up to you, Baby! I tried to get my "nesting" instincts going this morning - I dusted the house and cleaned the bathrooms. People tell me that's what happens before you come - we'll see if it works! If anything, we have a nice clean house for you to come home to! Grammy is having weird dreams waiting for you to make your appearance. Please come soon so her mind can rest (although I'm not sure that ever really happens)! Your Aunt Mimi also has the day off on Monday and has been planning for weeks to come and see you on that day - that would make her happy. :) We got some snow today so it feels like winter again around here. We're supposed to get a bunch more snow later next week. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a snow day at school so Mommy's school friends could all come over and play with you?!? But whose choice is it?!? Yours, Baby!! Daddy's going to push my foot buttons tonight and see if that helps. Come on out and meet us, I think you'll like it here!

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