Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We're rolling now...

Ahhh... things seem to be clicking along now! The breastfeeding issues that we've been having for the past few days seem to now be behind us. Lila had her first doctor's appointment Monday and it was discovered that she has a very high palate. Because of this, our doctor thinks that's why she wouldn't latch on properly to just me. So, we have been using the shield and we've had the best feedings yet - 3 great ones in a row actually! :) What a great relief this has been for me. No screaming, no crying - just eating! :) Hallelujah!

Other than our appointment, not much else has been going on around here. Here's some more pics to tide you all over... PS- I've been working on a Flickr site so hopefully I can just keep that updated and you can all get your Lila fix! :)
After her first car ride - sleeping peacefully in her car seat. Don't you just love this little hat?!?
Grandpa and Lila watching tv - guess what it was - Golf, of course! :)
This was after her very first sponge bath. I love when she lays all out like that - so relaxed and content.
This has quickly become one of my absolute fav pics of her. She makes eye contact very easily and when she looks right at the camera, that's even better. Bright eyes, happy baby.

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