Saturday, December 27, 2008

33 Weeks

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Santa brought me more stretch marks for Christmas. Ho ho ho.

Merry Christmas, everyone! :) I think that we had the best Christmas ever. It's been a wonderful few days. Unfortunately, we were unable to have Christmas with my aunt and uncle and cousins - we had a quick meetup at Pan.era's and exchanged gifts. Also, because of the weather, T and I were unable to make it to T's parents' house for the family gathering - it was just toooooo nasty around here for us to venture out. :( Christmas morning, we were all up around 7am to open our gifts and see what Santa brought our way. Some of my fav gifts had to be a portable dvd player, video camera, and the complete SatC series (I'm an electronics junkie). My grandparents and other uncle and his girlfriend came over Christmas night. It's kind of a pain to get all the present carnage cleaned up to have company over that night, but it's also a nice excuse to get my butt in gear and get things put away and back to normal. Traditionally, my mom and I have always gone out at the before-crack-of-dawn the day after Christmas to do some shopping. Again, the weather made us stay tucked inside. We did venture out around noon and we got some great deals. I managed to get us a new Christmas tree - much to T's delight! All I heard this year was complaining during the putting up of our tree, so I found a 7' slim, pre-lit with white lights tree - exactly what I was looking for, for 70% off! :) Whoohoo! Next year will be much easier! I not only came home with a new tree and other 50% off Christmas goodies, but I also came home with a 40" LCD sony tv! :) I had a nice target coupon that helped a lot - and we had been talking for quite some time about getting a new tv. We spend a lot of time at home (fine with us - where do I want to go anymore?!?) and we watch quite a bit of tv. It's just beautiful. :) Now, I need to contact so that we can get an HD dish to make the picture even better. It's definitely an upgrade to go from our former 27" normal tv to a 40" widescreen. Love. It. Merry Christmas to me. :)

I had my 32 week appt this past week and all was fine. Although, she did think that just based on the exam, that she may be breech - but there's still time for her to wiggle around where she needs to be. I did get referred on to my delivering doctor - I will see him Jan. 5.

On the way to my appt, I ran into some very nasty road conditions that totally freaked me out. My normal 7 min. trip into town took me 20 min. All the ice made me very edgy. Roads have never really made me feel like that before. I drive a big truck and I've always gone wherever whenever I wanted to. I'm careful and have never really had any problems. Needless to say, when I got to my appt, my blood pressure was higher than it's ever been. Ugh!
That day I also went back to the eye doctor and found out that I need to wear readers on top of my contacts. I still need to go pick those up...

Here are a few pics from the past week or so. Those of you who still have time off - enjoy it!

This is a pic of a pheasant that I took from my kitchen window on our snow day.

C - the little musical genius! :)

My parents' dog Ellie on Christmas morning. All the excitement tuckered her out. :)

Me in one of my favorite places - the couch - with two of my fav dogs - Ellie and Smokey - and yes, that is a piece of my grandma's pecan pie on my lap. :) Yum!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

32 Weeks

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.

Wow, 32 weeks - it's really getting down there! I'm feeling more and more like a beached whale everyday. Especially when I try to get up from the comfy chair or the floor. Excellent.

I went and saw my eye doctor this week and he told me that my farsightedness hasn't really changed, but my nearsightedness has and the reason that I can't see far as well is because my eyes are exerting so much extra energy to see near that I have a hard time flipping over to see far. So, we're looking at some readers or other glasses on top of my contacts. I have to go back tomorrow to see if I do the same things and if so, then he'll figure out the treatment. Super.

I also go for my 32 week appt. tomorrow. I will for sure be referred on to my delivering doctor then. I don't think that my physician wants to give me up. She always says, "Oh! My favorite OB patient!" when she walks into the room. But unless she's planning on delivering this baby, then I need to start getting to know someone else.

I received an early Christmas present in the form of an additional day off added to my Christmas break! We had a snow day on Friday, which puts our grand total of days off at 17! :) I am sooooo ready for this break. I really like my class this year - although there are still days when I want to pop some heads off, but there's always those kids - it's not that I need a break from them. I just need a break from actually doing things! I seem to do pretty okay in the mornings, but by lunchtime, I really don't want to go back upstairs for the afternoon. Luckily, my school starts earlier (and ends earlier) so our morning is actually longer than the afternoon. January is going to be interesting for me!!

We have a crazy amount of snow and it just keeps coming! We were supposed to have my aunt and uncle and cousin over today for our Christmas, and no one is going anywhere! It's actually snowing sideways and we're supposed to get like another 8" of snow today - on top of the 12" that we got on Friday! Crazy! I remember so many Christmases here in Michigan where there was no snow at all. One of my favorite Christmases when I was a kid was up at the cottage and I got a new bike - and got to ride it most of the afternoon because it was pretty warm and there was no snow.

Last night, T and I went to a holiday gathering at some friends' house and had a great time (and no, I'm not just writing that because I know they read this blog!). I love all the holiday food, fun and getting together that we never seem to get around to doing during the rest of the year.

Saturday I learned how to make my dad's chowder! :) It took pretty much all afternoon to make 2 batches - but it was definitely worth it. It's something that cannot be rushed - which is hard for me to do. It turned out to be not as difficult as I had imagined. The recipe in the book makes no sense to me whatsoever - there really aren't directions, just ingredients listed in order that you add them. I cannot cook like that. So, I took a lot of notes. The second batch, I pretty much did on my own and I didn't screw it up! :) Yesterday, we finished all of it just as we were about to leave to go out, so I didn't get to try any of it - today I will though!

Well, it's a good day to stay inside and work on Christmas things - I'm planning on getting my wrapping all done today. T said he's trying to work up the courage to walk to the end of the driveway to see if the Sunday paper got here. Our road actually did get plowed yesterday - it's probably all drifted back over again now. I hope that wherever you are - you are safe and cozy at home, enjoying the season! If I don't post again before Thursday - have a wonderful Christmas! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

31 Weeks

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt.He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Kicks and somersaults are right. She is movin' and shakin' all over the place! I used to not be able to feel her much during the day - just in the evening and at night when I was resting. Not anymore! It's all the time. She especially seems to like being active about 30 minutes after I eat. She must like food - just like Mommy! :)

Saturday we attended our first Christmas gathering. It was a great time with some great friends!

Today was my church choir's Christmas cantata. I directed them for both services and all went well. The first service ended up being more like a dress rehearsal - the second service was much better. Luckily, my parents and T decided to come to the 2nd one and saw the good show!

I'm watching the evening news as I type this and they're talking about crappy weather coming again tomorrow. Of course - it's Monday!!! All Mondays in December seem to be pitted against us since we have to go to GR for birth class. ugh... We really want to go tomorrow since we get to have the hospital tour! We also go this Tuesday for a Beginning with Baby class. Good thing gas is cheap again!

T just got in from an evening hunt and he finally got one - an 8 point!! YAY! :) Gotta love a full freezer...

This is my last week of school and then I get 2 weeks off for winter break and I have a feeling that this week is going to go by in a blur. Although I do have one day off from school this week for appointments - the eye doctor and the dentist in the morning, and a massage and adjustment in the afternoon. T thinks I need to try to schedule an OB appt in the afternoon and maybe try to squeeze in some allergy shots too in order to hit all of my health care providers in one day! haha... I think I'm going to try to start some of my holiday baking that afternoon in between appointments, actually. Next weekend is our big time party and party-prep weekend. Friday we have my school's party, Saturday we're getting ready for some family to come over, do more baking, and go to dinner at a friend's. Sunday my aunt and uncle and cousin are coming over for our Christmas celebration. My dad has also agreed to teach me how he makes his famous New England clam chowder. My dad is a fantastic chef and every Christmas he makes his chowder (out of the Professional Chef's cookbook). It's a lot of work, so he will only make it once a year. I've looked at the recipe and some of it, I have no idea what it means - hence, I am not a professional chef! So, he's going to show me - wish me luck on Saturday that I can keep up with the chef!

How do Christmas cards sneak up on me every year? Yesterday, I did actually sit down to write a letter to include in our cards and for some reason, Word kept booting me out. Three times!!! I got frustrated and just gave up for the day. Maybe I can get to it a little later tonight, or next weekend. If you're anticipating a card from us, give me a little time - I'm experiencing technical difficulties!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

30.5 Weeks

I found out that my glucose tolerance test results came back absolutely normal. Hooray! Here's my new thing: I can't see!!! My eyesight is changing, what feels like, every day!!! I didn't go for my annual eye exam this summer because my pregnancy books told me to wait until after the baby was born because of changes to your eyesight. Also, my mom's vision changed quite a bit when she was pregnant for me, so I had a feeling that this was going to happen. Although I thought it would be after she was born!! I started noticing a few weeks ago how seeing the tv from bed was getting a little fuzzy. It's a little more than fuzzy now. Last night at choir rehearsal, I could barely read the words in my music - I was directing them all goofy and giving them the wrong words. Not a good thing. My poor choir!! So, I have an appointment set up for next week - I'm hoping he can give me some stronger contacts to try, because I would bet that my eyes are just going to keep changing! Ugh!
We had to skip Birth Class this week because of the bad weather. We read in our book instead - unfortunately, a lot of what was going to be covered says in the book, "refer to the techniques you learned in class". Crap. We'll see what next Monday's weather brings.
In very happy news, one of my preggo buddies had her baby on Tuesday! If you get a chance, go to the 4jmilewskis and check out their new little bundle - he's adorable! Although now it should be called the 5jmilewskis. :)
I have some very random winter pics that I wanted to post, so here ya go...

We have geese who walk on water in Saranac, aren't you impressed?
Can you spot the 3 deer? This was taken on our snow day last week behind our house.

This was the first night that we had our Christmas tree up. The fire, the lights, it just makes me calm. It was also snowing quite hard outside, unfortunately I couldn't capture that! I'm noticing that our tree is a bit crooked... hmmm... I need to go home and fix that.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

30 Weeks

How your baby's growing:Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.

Holy crap, 30 weeks!! I cannot believe how incredibly fast everything has happened. 30 weeks sounds like a ton of time, but it's really not! It's crazy to think that a "full-term" baby could be living at our house in 7-10 weeks! Whoa!

I have decided that working full days just isn't very fun anymore. With all of the conferences, meetings, and doctors' appointments that I've had this year, I feel like I've been a part-time teacher. Again, this week, I am gone for 2 days! Good thing that I have a nice class that just rolls with it. My new long-term sub came in this week to observe and take over for a while, and I think everything will be just fine with her. She used to teach 3rd grade in Florida, so she's pretty accustomed to this age!

This week I had to go for my glucose tolerance test. Yuck. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. And of course, knowing that I had to go totally freaked me out so I did a bunch of research before I went and knew what all of my levels needs to be under at each hour. The first poke, I was way under (it can't be higher than 95 - I was 73). The other 3 pulls were full blood draws - no instant results. Grrr!! I'm still waiting to hear the official results from my doctor, but because of the first one, she didn't seem concerned at all. Hopefully, she's right!! I used to get pretty freaked out if I had to have blood taken or get shots. Now, after over 2 years of allergy shots and all the poking and prodding that happens during pregnancy - I'm not such a wimp. The nurse had to do all my draws from my "one good vein" - so I'm pretty bruised there, but it wasn't a big deal. T asked me if my right arm felt lighter than my left since she took all the draws out of that arm.

Oh! We started Birth Classes this week! T got out of work a little early and we headed over to Metro with our 2 pillows in the middle of a gigantic snowstorm with very yucky roads. Our usual 35 minute trip took us almost an hour. It was a good class - we have about 8 or 9 other couples, and everyone was married except for one girl who was there with an older woman (by girl, I mean she was probably early 20s). I had heard from other friends how when they went to class that they were the only married ones there and everyone else was there with their boyfriend (sometimes not even the father), or a friend, or their mom or someone. Maybe that's just in Ionia... Anyway, T said that he learned a lot! I read a lot, so not much was new, but our instructor went over a lot of things about preterm labor. Now, every time I say that I'm hot, T asks if I have a fever and if we should call the doctor. I just have a funky heating system right now! We go again this week to learn about actual labor. Then the next week is the tour of the birthing unit - that's what I really want to see! Where the action is!! We have class pretty much every Monday in December - plus one Tuesday for a Beginning with Baby class. That should be interesting - I'm spending all this time figuring out what to do when I'm pregnant - I should probably start learning about what to do once she finally gets here!!! I have more books to read... Christmas vacation is coming - I'll have time to read then.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 Weeks

Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.

I thought that I had been doing really well, as far as staying healthy, but this week, things finally caught up with me and I've been pretty sick. Monday night I was in the chair and I said to T that I thought I was getting sick. Sure enough, Tuesday morning I woke up with a nasty cough, sore throat and nose full of crap. Ugh... Luckily, I only had school Monday and Tuesday this week. I had Wednesday to lay low and get some things done for Thanksgiving. We go up to T's aunt and uncle's house every year for an awesome meal and a chance to see some folks we only see once a year. This year, they also did a small shower for us! Very fun! The first present I opened was a handmade quilt from T's aunt and these two pieces of fabric. They were very soft and nice, I just had no idea what they were for. So I asked - I found out that they were burp cloths. Okay, so I've still got some things to learn about baby gear. Everyone thought this was hysterical. Therefore, every present I would open they would ask me if I knew what it was. Ha ha. Anyway, it was a nice day and even though I coughed through the whole thing, I had a great time.

Friday is customarily one of my most favorite days of the year. Black Friday - good deals everywhere. This year, I dragged my butt out of bed at 3am and got out there. I went to a few stores here in town and in GR and I was back home by 7:30am and back asleep by 7:45am. I slept until around noon and I was totally incapacitated the rest of the day. I had so much that I wanted to get done - it just wasn't going to happen. Today I did actually get up at a decent time and get some things done. Although, I only last about an hour and then I have to sleep for about 2 or 3. It takes a long time to get things done that way! Tonight we went to dinner with T's parents to celebrate his birthday (which was Wednesday) and then we went and finally did some real registering. I need to go again with someone who really knows what we need, but we knocked out a lot of what we think we need. We think. As we were scanning, we agreed that we were totally out of our element and feeling like strangers in a strange land. We still have a lot to learn before February rolls around!

Well, tomorrow is the last day of my nice, long weekend. I should go into school since I'll be gone half of the week this week, but I don't think that's going to happen. Between getting my house back in order and how it takes me forever to get anything done, I think that I'm going to need the day at home.

It's hard to believe that this is the last week that I'll be in the 20's. It's amazing that there isn't that much time left in this whole incubating thing. I'm a faithful watcher of Jo.n and K.ate plus E.ight and she delievered her sextuplets at 30 weeks. I can't imagine being ready this early! I guess I could be, if I knew that I had to be, but I'm not!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

28 Weeks

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

Hmm... funny that the update this week talked about eyelashes. I had an unfortunate eyelash incident this morning as I was getting ready for church. Hair was done, makeup done, just curling my eyelashes when somehow the damned thing slipped and proceeded to rip out about 3/4 of my top lashes on my left eyelid. I was in a bit of shock first, since it hurt, and then I thought, "Oh #$%@, what does my eye look like?!?" Sure enough, I look pretty bald in that region. So I cried. I cried a lot. I cried because it was swollen, because it hurt, and because I looked like a freak. I cried so hard it made me throw up. I hadn't eaten anything yet, so it was all bile-y yucky. So, I tried to put myself back together as much as possible and headed out the door to be choir director. Oh the way home, I did stop at the store and pick up some fake eyelashes to try gluing on tomorrow morning. If only my glasses were the right prescription, I could just wear those for a while and it would cover it pretty well. Grrr... curses on me for not going for my eye appt this summer...

This post should have been titled 28 weeks/Getting Hurt since I not only had my traumatic eyelash incident (don't laugh- it was TRAUMA AND DRAMA!) but getting the truck loaded for our super-fun scrapbooking weekend last weekend, I fell! See, most of my maternity pants are still too big for me - apparently I will "grow" into them. Well, my jeans are the biggest offenders - not only are they too big, but they're also pretty long. So, I wear some taller wedge-y clog-type shoes to balance them out since I think that when they actually do fit the way they're supposed to, that they will be okay. Well, I was carrying a case of bottled water from my mom's truck to mine and somehow my shoe turned and I proceeded to fall on my knee, elbow, and then land pretty much on my side - but on the water. I also ended up under my truck - which was kinda muddy from my crappy dirt road. My mom FREAKED OUT. I was okay, just scratched up and a little muddy. Oy vey. Me and my balance, or lack thereof, I should say.

Hmmm... other than that, things have been pretty normal around here. T is out back right now trying to restock our freezer with venison. My mom left today for sunny Florida to visit grandma - wish I was with them. :) But, I'm looking forward to the nice long weekend (only 2 days of school for me this week!) to get lots of things done. I've decided that I'm not going to go so ape-sh*t decorating for Christmas this year. Normally, every picture, every decoration, EVERYTHING gets put away and holiday stuff comes out. This year, I have some new pictures that I want up, but I think I'm going to do the tree, the mantle, the railing to downstairs, and then put up my Jim Shores (Gym Shorts, Andrea!!). That might be about it. If it stays so frickin cold, then I don't know if T will even get our outside stuff up. He goes on the roof for a lot of it and I don't want him up there if it's cold and icy. So our outside decor may also be a bit different this year. I just don't have the energy to do it all!! Plus, I'm thinking that a lot of it will need to be down before I go back to school in January because I really want everything to be all set by the time January rolls around. What if she decides to come a few weeks early?!? We have to be ready!!!

Speaking of being ready - I thought that I was really all set at school for my sub for my maternity leave. My principal hired someone for it, she had come in for me to sub many times already this school year - getting to know my class and our routines. Then I get a call from her this week saying that she got a job!!! How dare she!!! No, really, I'm happy that she found a real, live teaching job in a) this economy and b) this time of year. She felt badly, but she would be making like 4x as much as what she would as a sub, so I sure can't blame her. Again, I'm happy for her, but it sucks for me - I've got to train someone new now. My principal said he had a couple people in mind and would get with them soon and let me know who I would be having this week. Grrr...

Well, if I don't post again this week, have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

Friday, November 14, 2008

27 Weeks

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

I know I'm a little early this week, but I'm going to be gone this weekend on a retreat to a cottage on Lake Michigan with a big group of ladies to do some scrapbooking! :) My mom and I went last spring with this group and had a fantastic time. This time, we're actually orgainized enough to have things to SCRAP. Last time, it was just after a full weekend of performances (along with the months of rehearsals before that) and I had had no time to get anything around. In fact, I had to take the afternoon off before we went so that I could get some materials around. We ended up stamping - just making cards and tags. True, I was frantically packing papers and pictures and supplies last night and I have an order of pictures ready at Wal.greens to pick up on the way out of town, but I feel so much more prepared this time! Also, last time it was early May and it turned out to be a gorgeous weekend - we walked by the lake, sat out in the sun, etc. This weekend, it looks like we're going to be getting snow! The big room where we all scrap is surrounded with windows and looks out on the lake and I'm actually hoping for some big fluffy flakes. This time of year, I like seeing the snow. By about February I'm totally sick of the snow - especially this year the snow is just going to taunt me since there will be no skiing for me until next year!

I hope this weekend finds you all cozy and warm in the cold weather! Good luck to all the deer hunters out there - it's time to restock the freezer!!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

26 Weeks

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.

Anyone ever heard of an English hothouse cucumber? Yeah, me neither...

T was actually able to feel the baby kick last night!! I have been trying for what seems like forever to get her to do it and it wasn't one of her biggest jabs, but he was still able to feel it!! Very cool!

Last night we went to GR with my parents to celebrate T's bday early (about 3 weeks early, actually!). My parents always miss his bday because my mom goes over Thanksgiving to see my gma in Florida and my dad goes with a group of guys for a big golf vacation in Myrtle Beach. So, we went to dinner at the Grand Rapids Brewing Company - always fantastic food and I encourage you all to go (those in state, country, etc that is!) because they never seem to have much business, but they're so good and we don't want to see them close!! Then it was off to the giant baby store to pick out an off-road stroller from my gma and gpa b. My dad was absolutely amazed at all the baby crap that could fit into one gigantic store. We found a jeep one with huge tires and speakers for my ipod so baby and I can jam while we walk the road. :) Then is was on to a furniture store to pick out a new chair for our living room from my parents for Christmas. We came to the conclusion a couple weeks ago that we wanted the glider rocker that was in the living room to go into the nursery and we'd get a smaller rocker/recliner for the living room. The ottoman for the glider just took up too much room in the living room and we wanted it in the nursery. So, I had my mind set on getting a smaller recliner that rocked and was red. I wanted to brighten up the room a bit! Red!! While T, my mom and I looked around at the recliners, my dad headed to the clearance center and found exactly what we were looking for! Because it was in the clearance center, they wrapped it up and put it in the back of the expedition and it's now sitting in my living room! :) Our last stop of the evening was to T's fav ice cream place - cold stone - to pick up a cake. All in all, it was a very successful night!! :) We had a lot of fun - I like to call those kinds of days little vacations from my life. To top it all off, my sparties knocked off yet another team and are now 9-2 on the season and get a week off before heading to happy valley.

In other news... if you've noticed my baby countdown, you have seen that we're now in double digits!!! On Friday, I noticed that it was at 99 and I started freaking out a bit!! I sent T an email about all the things that we still need to get done and he didn't seem fazed a bit. I remember when I started that countdown and it was like 220 some days. Now it's under 100! Holy crap!! This all really is happening!! No turning back now!!

My last bit of news from this weekend is that we did a complete overhaul of our home office/desk area. I had intended to work on it last weekend and that just didn't happen. So, Sunday we took about 3 hours and did it. Here are the before and after pics:

In this pic you can see the mass disorganization and piles of crap everywhere.

Ahhh...This pic just makes me feel calm. Look at all that horizontal space without anything on it!!! I LOVE IT!!! And yes, we intend to keep it like this. We're instituting some new organizational rules for both of us and it's going to stay this way! The thing is, this desk is in what is now the guest bedroom and we're anticipating many houseguests to help out with the baby in the coming months, so that's really the driving force behind all this reorganization. We know that we're slobs, we just don't everyone else to find that out! :) hee hee...
Our next job is to finish the reorganization of this room and then move on to finish the rest of the nursery. My hope is to finish all reorganization/redecoration projects by the end of Christmas break. So that all of January and February until she comes can just be a nice, relaxing time! That's my plan, at least, we'll see how it goes...
My last tid bit before I sign off for the week is that we have decided on a name!! I do not want to post it here, however, if you know me well enough to have my email address, I will certainly tell you personally! :) Her name is exactly what we were searching for - different, but not too "out there", classic and old-fashioned, but still unique. I absolutely adore it and we're trying to use it to refer to her more and more.

Monday, November 03, 2008

25 Weeks

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

We're pretty sure our little girl is going to be a blondie - the only question should be eye color. Blue like me, or green like T. Just call us the recessive gene family. :)

Last week was plain 'ol nuts. Conferences totally sucked the life out of me. Then there was a dead-woodchuck-on-my-back-steps incident that freaked me out and then of course, Halloween! We did have Friday off from school, so mom and I went to run to do some outlet shopping on a beautiful day. Seriously, it was a perfect day - and Halloween too! That night I went to her house to pass out candy. We give out directions to kids in our classes since it's out a ways. I live about 20 minutes from school, I doubt that anyone would make the trek out here. We each had 3 kids from our classes come, and with siblings, we had a total of 12. Not exactly our best year, but it was so nice out, I think more kids stayed in town.

This weekend went by in another blur. Saturday mom and I went to a craft show that was more antiques and overpriced junk than anything else. Then we all went and helped my grandparents clean up their yard and flowers. They're both in their 80s and are having a hard time keeping up with the outside. Plus my grandpa has really bad knees that he refuses to go get fixed, so it's hard for him to even get around. We spent about an hour and a half and got all their leaves (there were lots) taken care of, my mom cut down all the flowers, and T washed windows. The only trees with leaves that we have at our house are down by the lake - none really go in our yard, so we can do our "leaf duty" there. :) Sunday was a bday party with T's family. Food, fun, cake, and kids running everywhere. Good times. :)

On Friday I bought a new desk at Pott.ery Barn and I was very anxious to get that up and in this weekend. However, that just didn't quite happen. T has it all put together, I just need to unhook and clean up the computer and the area around it. No small feat! I had planned to Saturday night, but we ended up going grocery shopping, and then I was too tired by the time we got home. We outgrew our current desk about 5 minutes after we moved in. It's the desk that my grandpa made me to take to college in my dorm. It's pretty small, and at our house, it's constantly piled with crap because there's no where to put anything. I get it cleaned up and poof! It's back to chaos in no time. grr... This new desk is going to be organized! No more crazy clutter!! It still seems crazy to me to buy furniture. Ever since I can remember, my grandpa has always made our furniture. We would go pick out something that we liked, or see it in a catalog, and then show it to him and he'd make it. With his health, he has now pretty much given up woodworking, which is such a shame because he made beautiful things. I guess it just makes me grateful that I have what I have from him. :)

Is anyone else's favorite day of the year the fall back day? I guess it's not exactly my most favorite, but man, it really ranks up there. :) A free hour of sleep. Doesn't get any better than that!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

24 Weeks

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

It's amazing how fast the baby is growing now. And I know that will just keep picking up speed until the end. I remember really early on being like "Wow! The baby gained half an ounce this week!" and being very excited about it. Crazy.

This week T and my dad and his dad all left for South Dakota. It's not as weird for me this time having him gone since my mom and ellie (their dog) came to stay. We have had a very relaxing weekend - it's been great. We ventured out of the house once yesterday to go pick up a few things at Wal.mart. We didn't take showers or anything, we just thought we'd make a quick trip. Little did we know, but we arrived about 5 minutes before they had trick-or-treating in the store! So much for a quick, quiet, incognito trip to the store. We each saw about half of the kids in our classes and the store was packed. Awesome!

This week we have conferences, so our schedule is totally whacky. Plus, I'm also taking a day during the week - in the morning I have a meeting, but I'm taking the afternoon sick to go to my 24 week doctor's appt. So all in all, I'm going to be seeing my kids 2 days this week, and one of the days, we're having our Halloween party pretty much all afternoon. These kinds of weeks are few and far between, so I'm going to enjoy it!

Mom has been a busy little seamstress this weekend. Saturday she made the dust ruffle for the crib and as I'm typing this, she's making the valances. Once it's all done, I will post pics. :) SO CUTE!!!

Of course the best thing that happened this weekend was a little game that went on Saturday in AA. They should call it the big sad house. Not only my spartans triumph over u of m, but they also seemed to be in a battle with the officials - or more specifically the officials in the replay booth who apparently have no clue as to the rules of how a touchdown is actually scored. The superior team won anyway and it was a great day! :) Go Green! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

23 weeks

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.
Hmmm... dancing... that hasn't happened in a while. The squirming I have definitely been feeling a lot of lately. Very random. Whenever I try to have T feel them, she never cooperates. Hopefully soon. :)

Glad to know that when she gets here she'll already be accustomed to the dogs barking. Although really it's just Smokey barking and us yelling "Remy! Stop humping your brother!" It's nice that she's getting used to that now.

Wow, this weekend seemed to go by in the whirlwind. Saturday my mom and I headed to the fabric store to get what we need for the crib set. Then home to watch my poor spartans get their arse whooped by a very good (I hate to admit) osu team. :( Then a nap and a sweetest day dinner out to the closest restaurant to us. Sunday was spent madly cleaning our house. I was exhausted by the time my parents and T's parents got here for an early dinner. As soon as everyone left, I was back on the couch for a long overdue nap. Then up again this morning to start a new week at school. BAH! I didn't even get a chance to watch all my tivo shows this weekend :( This coming weekend I'm not planning on leaving my house. T and the dads are making a pilgrimage to the promised land (aka pheasant hunting paradise in s. dakota) so my mom and their dog are moving in with me and smokey. Good times!

I keep meaning to post pics of the crib and everything. My parents also brought over the antique cradle that I used when I was a baby. My dad repainted it last week and it's just gorgeous. It's not something that's been in our family forever - it would be cool if it were, but my grandma was able to bargain it from the people that they bought a house from. It was in the attic of the garage and the previous owner was showing her around. She made an offer and they left it! :) So it's a "new" antique to us. Well, like 40 years or so. I WILL post pics soon. Promise.

Okay, I have to go to bed. Exhausted. Yawn. G'night...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

22 Weeks

At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

Sorry for the lack of post this week so far. But here it is.

In an exciting development - on Monday I had a couple of doctor's appointments in GR so I was able to swing by and pick up our crib and changing table, that were finally in! :) I also spent some quality time at B 'R Us... and became more confused than ever about the gear that I thought that I wanted. The stroller set I was totally sold on IS SO HEAVY!!! It's adorable, but I think I'm going to pass on it. I stopped like 3 other women in the store with babies and asked them if they liked their travel system. One woman said, "Well this IS the number one safety-rated system." Um, yeah, of course, I knew that. Oy. I've also been talking to other friends to see about their systems and now I think I have a new favorite. I wanted to go check everything out myself first before taking T to look at everything.

Tonight I got home from choir practice and T had put the whole crib together! :) I had told him that he couldn't go to Dakota until at least the crib was put together - I'm so mean!! But I did finally decide on the crib set that I want and we have a very crafty friend who will be making the little quilt and bumper and my mom is going to do the rest. I needed the crib to be put together so we knew how long to make the dust ruffle. This weekend we're heading to the fabric store to get what we need. :) YAY! :) It's coming together!

Ummm... what else... MEAP is going on this week and one more day next week then that will be all done and over with - hooray!

Last weekend was quite uneventful (love that) and I think that the same holds true for this weekend. We're hoping to go to get registered, or at least knock out some of the bigger gear things soon. I do NOT want to go on a saturday - I've been there before on a weekend and I would rather chew tin foil. So maybe that can be a trip for some evening next week.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Here are our latest pictures of our little girl... :) Last night she was very squirmy so getting clear pictures was a challenge, but here's what we've got...

In this one, she's looking right at you and her little arms are up by her face.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Okay, it's not ever 100% for sure, but from what the tech could tell, she was quite sure that we're having a GIRL!!!!!!!! She said she saw no sign of boy parts (which are of course the most obvious), and she thought she saw some girl parts. :)

We're still in a little shock over finally finding out. Now it's time to go SHOPPING!!! :) PINK PINK PINK!!!!!!

I told T that it's only fair- I've been the only girl around here for a long time, we need a little more estrogen in this house!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

21 Weeks

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

On Friday I turned 31. Nothing particularly eventful during the day, but for dinner we went to a very tasty place and then my mom and I went to see Mamma Mia (the musical, NOT the movie) for like the 7th time. This was our first time we were in the front row for that show. I love the front row - being able to see performers' faces, watching the pit, starting the standing ovation, all of it - awesome!!! It was a great evening! :) After dinner, we also did some shopping around and I got what I'm hoping is the last of the maternity wear that I'm going to need. I finally found khaki pants!! I was very happy! Saturday we made the trip down to Ik.ea and found lots of fun things! Once I have a theme for the baby's room, we will certainly go back. I've got lots of ideas now after being there. On the way home, we visited Twe.lve Oaks and had a lovely time there as well. We also tested out my new birthday GPS on the way there. Very handy! I was not at all prepared for how incredibly pooped I would be from walking I did Saturday! I'm writing this Sunday night and my legs are still hurting!! Lots and lots and lots of walking. Sunday was spent at home (except when when I had to make a quick trip to the store to deliver T's wallet to him when he forgot to take it grocery shopping- oops), and I put away birthday things and did some cleaning and lots of laundry. I also got caught up on all my ti.vo. :)

This week we have our next (and probably last) ultrasound on Tuesday night. If we are to find out blue or pink, I will for sure post that when we get home!!! Keep your fingers crossed that fuzzy is cooperative! :) It's still hard for me to believe that we're now into the second half of this whole experience. We just received our first baby stuff borrow - a gorgeous swing in the pattern that I'm very seriously considering for the whole travel system, etc. Thank you thank you thank you M and V for your generosity!! :) We ordered the crib and changing table quite some time ago and hopefully that should be in anytime. That will be exciting to get that all set up! I'm hoping to start picking out nursery decor/theme next weekend (provided that we're able to find out boy or girl this week). My mom is going to be making the comforter, bumpers, bed skirt, valances, etc for the baby's room - we just need to go find the fabric. I'm picky about what I want (shocking, I know!) and a lot of the pre-packaged bundles of those things are SO EXPENSIVE!!! Anyway, hopefully more decor updates soon. :)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

20 weeks

You're at the halfway mark — congratulations! Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (The way your baby is measured changes now.) He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (although some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Oh, what a lovely weekend! Friday night T and I went up to Traverse with my parents for the weekend. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. I dropped the guys off at the golf course in the morning and then my mom and I went downtown shopping for the morning. We met up with M and her mom for lunch - they just happened to be up there that weekend too! Lovely time! The afternoon was spent laying on the beach - enjoying the sun, the beautiful view, and having nothing to be done right at that second! Saturday night we had a great dinner and then went swimming. Sunday was not so nice (weather-wise) - cloudy, cool, and misty. We dropped off the guys for golf, then went to the mall. On the way home, we went to one of our fav rastaurants - The Cherry Hut in Beulah. Love love love that place. We got several pies to go and enjoyed them later! I then slept pretty much the whole way home.

In TC, I went to an organic store that sells different kinds of cloth diapers that I'm debating on buying. It was great to actually see them all - although they didn't quite have all the kinds that I've read/researched. We spent almost an hour looking them all over and then decided to buy one of most of them to try out which kind we liked the best. My mom and T had that glazed over/totally confused look by the time that we left. There are lots of options and it's hard to know which way to go. My dad came in, but was instantly bored and spent the whole time looking over all the bamboo cooking utensils and things. We walked out of there spending $120 on a small package of all these different diapers. It doesn't seem like much for all that you pay, however when I look at the long-term spending that we would do with disposables, it's a huge savings. One of the calculators I looked at showed that an initial investment of between $300-$400 for cloth would be comparable to spending around $3000 for disposables for 2-3 years- and that's only for one child! With cloth, we can reuse if we decide to have another baby. Or if not, I can sell them! So anyway, I know I sound like a geek, but I'm excited to go home and play with my new diapers!! :)

I'm still working on figuring out my new phone. The problem is: it's a SMARTphone and right now, I'm not very smart! The baby seems to take most of my brain wattage. But, the more I play with it, the more I learn, and that's a good thing. A friend of mine got the same phone so we're learning it together!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Appointment update

I did manage to get the the doctor this week for my triple test (although they called it a quad- so apparently it measures 4 things!). They called last night and everything came back normal. Hooray! :) This is an optional test that measures for genetic abnormalities. We decided that if we were going to have a baby with special issues, we wanted to know as early as possible to get prepared.

In other news, I have my next ultrasound appointment for Oct. 7! At first, when I met with my doctor, she said that we should probably wait another month for another ultrasound, to appease my insurance company. Then she said, "Well, how about 3 weeks", and by the end of the appointment she said 2 weeks! I sure wore her down! :) At that point, I will be over 21 weeks -so we're anticipating some really good photos this time. Keep your fingers crossed that little fuzzy is cooperative!!

This weekend we are headed up to Traverse City and I can't wait to go. It will be fantastic to get away for a few days. There's also a store up there that sells the kind of cloth diapers I'm leaning towards, so I'm excited to actually see them myself instead of just reading about them online. T's parents are coming to stay with the dogs. The last time we went away was up to Ludington this summer and the dogs went to their house for the week. Unfortunately, our old man, Smokey, has a bit of a nervous stomach and had a hard time. It's not like their house was completely foreign to him - he lived there for many years, for crying out loud! But, he was out of his normal comfort zone and ended up having to go to the vet. The day after he got home, he was completely fine. Silly boy! So this time, they're coming to our house to hang out for a couple days. Plus, T has some projects for his dad to do.

Last night was filled with lots and lots of laundry, cleaning up, packing, and TV!!! My fav shows were finally back on! I had to tivo Grey's to watch when we get home on Sunday. So if you watched it and I see you before Sunday night - don't tell me what happened!! I laughed until I cried during The Office. Wow, that's a fantastic show. :) I do love my tv! :)

This morning, I did something incredibly dumb. I was about to pour myself a glass of orange juice, and I decided to give the jug one more shake. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I had already opened the lid. Yep, OJ everywhere! My hair, the floor, the counter, everywhere. Luckily, I still had my robe on so it didn't get all over my school clothes. A big, sticky mess is always a fun thing to have to clean up 10 minutes before you're planning on being out the door. Ugh!

In other more exciting news - I got my new smartphone in the mail the other day! YAY! I'm still learning how to use it - in fact, when it rang yesterday, I didn't know what to do!! I figure that I have a lot of quality car time this weekend to play. ALSO, we got our broadband card!!!! Holy crap that thing is awesome!! Love it love it love it!! It's sooooooooooooooooooo much faster than our crappy crappy dialup - we're looking at cancelling our home phone next week. We just want to make sure everything is switched over and everyone knows what numbers to call us before we drop it completely. Big things happening on the ranch! :)

A week from today I turn 31. I'm not so sad about this bday. Last year, I was dreading 30. This year, not so bad.

Have a great weekend everyone! If you're reading this in Michigan - it's supposed to be a gorgeous one! Enjoy it!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

19 Weeks *updated

Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. The hair on her scalp is sprouting. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now, so don't be shy about reading aloud, taking to her, or singing a happy tune if the mood strikes you.
I guess that since the baby can hear me now, I should really cut back on the f-bombs. Damn.

Every day this past week I have forgotten to call to schedule another ultrasound. This week! I promise!

I have a sub for my maternity leave! I was very happy to get final confirmation that I actually have someone. AND she's available for all the days this fall that I have to be gone for meetings, conferences, or appointments! Hooray! She came in for part of the morning the other day and just jumped right into what we were doing and started getting to know the kids. Every day I think of something else that I should write down that is just something very routine to me, but that in every class is a little bit different. I'll get started on that one of these days... I'm also hoping that it gets to the point that when I have her come in, I can leave minimal plans instead of the very detailed, 5 typed pages of plans I normally have to leave when I'm gone. If there's a day, late in my 3rd trimester that I wake up and just feel like I can't go to school - I'd love to just be able to call her and know that everything would be taken care of. I've been very spoiled with having the same sub pretty much every day that I was gone last year. During my whole "I think I'm dying" episode with my first ulcer last fall, she was able to do that for me for 2 days. It was fantastic. Non-teachers have no idea how long it takes to get ready to be gone for a day - sometimes I have decided not to go to a training or conference just because I didn't want to spend the hours getting ready to be gone. I have also gone to school many times more sickly than I should have over the years because sometimes it's just easier to go for the day than get ready to be gone. It's like you have to plan to be sick. When T wakes up and feels like crap and doesn't go to work, he just has to call sometime that morning and tell his supervisor he won't be in that day. I believe the word I'm looking for is jealousy. Anyway, I'm very happy to have had a decision made and we can move forward making my transition out as smooth as possible!

In other news, I think we have finally decided to ditch our landline. Hallelujah!! I've been talking the last couple weeks with the ver.izon rep for my school district and I think we've finally got it all worked out as to what plan, what phones, etc. The biggest news is that we will be getting a broadband usb card. I borrowed one from my school a few weeks ago to see how it would work at our house - and I was blown away! Yes, I've gotten accustomed to our S-L-O-W dial-up out here in BFE, but that still doesn't mean that I like it. The broadband was much much faster. I'm figuring that we're going to be posting baby pics and sending pics quite a bit in the near future, so an upgrade really needed to happen. Yes, I would be able to send from school, however, I'm sure people would love to get pics of the baby after he/she is 6 weeks old, when I get back to school! I know some of you out there would have a fit! With no landline, that also leaves us able to throw away our current phone system - which sucks my butt. We have a corded phone, and 3 cordless - all the same system. The phone we use the most, in the living room, still works fine. However, the other 2 cordless, since they're not used as often, the buttons have stopped working! All of them - you can't even answer it! We bought this system a few weeks after we got married - which was 3 years ago. Phones should work properly for longer than that! I will be thrilled to death to watch those things go into the trash. I may even post a pic of that momentous event! I bet you can't wait.

All for now - my plans for tomorrow include putting out some of my fall decorations in the house. I love doing that!! Next weekend we're gone up north for a weekend away, and I like to get that stuff out before October. Fun times at my house. :) Have a great week everyone!

**Sunday night update: I can't believe that I forgot to mention all the work that my parents and I did on Saturday! I had a brilliant idea a couple weeks ago to have my mom and I make pasties - yes, those tasty UP treats. My grandparents grew up in the UP and we've made them many times with them. However, now, when my grandma comes to visit, our time seems so short and pasties take quite an effort. This was our first attempt on our own. Of course, my grandma insisted that we also make our own pie crust for it. That was very very hard. A few things went not quite as smoothly as I remembered, but we'll be better next time. We only had to call Grandma twice. In the end, who was the one who could roll out the best crusts? Of course, my dad, the chef. He should have been there the whole time, but he was busy this weekend WINNING the club championship at the golf course!! :)

Later Saturday, we had a spectacular time watching MSU spank the crap out of Notre Dame. :) And who was that team who lost to ND last week?!? hahaha... MSU football is fun again!! I don't have to keep saying, "Only __ more months until basketball starts" after one embarrassing loss after another.

And in a strange turn of events, you know how earlier I blogged about when T has to call in sick? Out of nowhere, he got a crazy nasty cold! T is a very busy guy - not one who likes to just sit around. I call him my worker bee. :) And who am I? Of course, the queen! :) HA! Anyway, he spent a lot of the day napping, sneezing, blowing snot, and coughing. Very not like him. How he got this I have no idea - I'm the one who spends every day with snotty dirty kids. He works with, apparently, a bunch of snotty dirty adults. So who knows, maybe tomorrow morning will be one of those times he just has to call in and stay home.

Have I talked about how excited I am about TV? I think I already did in another post, but I will reiterate how incredibly happy I am for new tv to get going!! Also, if you missed the Emmy's on Sunday night - go to youtube and search for Josh Groban's performance. It was absolutely hysterical!! Very not "Josh-like" - he did snippets from memorable tv theme songs. Including the South Park theme song - WITH all the characters' voices. It was awesome!! He also rapped the theme from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Too funny!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

18 Weeks

Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, although he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

T has told me that I can no longer refer to the baby as a "blob" (although that's what he/she resembles in our pictures!). So we have instead decided to call him/her "fuzz", since the pics also make it look like a fuzzball. Better than "lint". :)

Oh let's see... last week was pretty much wrapped up in the excitement of the pending ultrasound. This week I need to call my doctor, because I realized that I left my last appt. without waiting for them to give me my triple test. Whoops! Not that I enjoy having more needles poked into me, I just need to go have that done. While I'm at it, I can probably get another allergy shot as well. Why have only one needle?!? How about 3 more?!? :) Then, I can also discuss when I can schedule the NEXT ultrasound and then the excitement can grow from there.

Other news this week... school is back in full swing. I actually completed 5 full days of teaching - first time since sometime last May - back before I was pregnant. Most days I felt pretty good, a couple I was totally exhausted when I got home. So far, I seem to have a very nice class. After last year's challenges, this is a welcome change. :) I have a few tricky ones, but every class has those. I do have two students who seem to get a lot of my attention because of talking, etc. One's a boy and the other's a girl. I find myself saying their names most often. I was telling that fact at lunch the other day, and our first grade teacher said that my baby is going to think their name is one of those because I say it so often. That's also another sticky point. How in the world are we going to come up with a name for this child when I have a certain memory of a lot of names because of all the children I come in contact with on a daily basis, and have for the last 10+ years?!? We do have a few name books, and right now we just look through them and laugh at the funny/bizarre names. I think that when we can narrow down boy/girl, then it will become a little more serious. :)

Last night we attending the Pheasants Forever banquet supporting the local chapter than T is very involved with. I must say, it's usually an incredibly boring night. Very long. However, last night, my mom and I ran one of the games and it made the night go by much faster- and funner! I also got a steal on a very cool framed print during the live auction (I've never bid/won anything at an auction before) - and it's now hanging above our fireplace! I also won ANOTHER print from playing a plinko type game. Most of the games work like this - you pay like $10 and play and get so many tickets for how well you did. At each station, there's usually 2 prizes - a gun and a print. Of course, the banquet is filled with mostly men and what do they want? Guns! What did I want? It sure wasn't a gun! When it came time to announce the plinko winners, they drew the first ticket (who gets first choice) and it was a guy who took the gun. I still had a chance! The second ticket was mine!!! I was thrilled! T also won a gun during one of the quick raffle drawings that go on during the evening. You can also buy sheets of tickets to put in for drawings for different tables full of stuff. At one of the tables they had a kayak! How fun would that be for our lake?!? So I bought a sheet of tickets and put them all in that bucket. Unfortunately, I did not get pulled first. I did get pulled near the end of that table and took home a gift certificate for a local restaurant that I like. All in all it was a very successful evening!! :) And not boring at all. :) It also helps to have fun people at your table and we had a really great group with us. Although I wasn't at our table most of the night - I was manning our game at a table across the room. T didn't even know it was me who was the high bidder for my print. I caught his attention after I won it and he was a little surprised! There are always quite a few prints that are auctioned off, and they usually don't do very well at our banquets. A lot of the people that go, have been for a lot of years and already have prints, or they're just not into wall art. So, you can get hella deals on nice, framed prints. T and I went to the state banquet a few years ago, and the prints there went for well over $400. At ours, the same ones usually go for under $200 (I only paid $100 for mine!). A steal.

This next week looks pretty uneventful, I think. I like uneventful. It's lovely. :) New tv will be starting soon, and that always makes me happy. The Office starts again in less than 2 weeks and we're counting down the days around our house! Have a good week!

Friday, September 12, 2008

IT'S A...

Unfortunately, we were unable to get a clear picture. :( So, we'll be going back in a few weeks! Ugh! It was somewhat disappointing, but it was also incredibly awesome to see the baby in there moving all around. T got the good show - he got to see the whole thing as the tech was labeling and taking pictures. I got to see some of it. The live shots were very cool, watching him/her in there just doing it's thing!

We also found out that the baby is measuring 17 weeks 3 days - a little younger than we have been anticipating. So maybe this Valentine's baby will be more like Feb 20 or so. Who knows! He/She also weighs a whopping 7 ounces!

Okay, here's the pics we got of our precious blob! It's a shot of the face basically looking right at the camera. :)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


OMIGOD!!! It's this THURSDAY!!!!

When I got home from school yesterday, there was a message on our machine - I crossed my fingers that it was the hospital calling to schedule - and it was!!! As soon as the woman said "this is Metro Health calling...", I started dancing around the kitchen. I had to play the message twice so I could get the phone number right.

We were hoping to get it done in Lowell at one of their regional centers, but the first appt. there wasn't until the 30th - so we're going right to the hospital. It's really not that much further, and we really don't care how far we have to go to get a look at this baby!

I'm hoping that the next 2 days don't drag on and on - I'm going to try very hard not to count down hours, but knowing me, I would bet that would happen. It's also not until Thursday night - that way I don't have to take off a day of school so early in the year. We still have not decided on my long-term sub, and I'd like to have that person in for me as much as possible when I have to be gone before my maternity leave. Finding that person was going to be tops on my agenda this week - since I can't make that decision myself, I needed to get with my principal about it. However, there's been a student death from another building over the weekend - the other building that he's also the prinicpal at, so he's quite busy this week. Given the circumstances, next week will do just fine.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

17 Weeks

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Sweat, huh? I'm sure baby was sweating along with me the first 2 days of school. 92 degrees is not the optimum learning temperature. Luckily, it looks like those nasty, hot days are behind us and it's actually starting to feel a bit like fall out there!! YAY! I LOVE FALL!!! The colors, the trees, the pumpkins, the caramel apples, the sweaters, my bday, etc. Love it!

I had my 16 week appoitment this week. We couldn't get a very good read on the heartbeat - way to TOTALLY freak me out!! She could hear it 4 different times, but then would lose it - and she said she heard it moving a lot. Awesome, me and my ADHD baby! I still haven't really felt the baby yet. Although I'm not really sure what it is that I'm supposed to feel. I've read and heard that it's like little flutters, little tickles, etc. The other night, I thought for sure that I felt SOMETHING - but now I'm not so sure. Ugh! The word has also been passed along to the hospital to call me to schedule the ultrasound!! Could me in as little as 2 weeks, or as much as 4. As soon as I have a date, I'm sure I'll be just shouting it from the rooftop!

Let's see... school started this week. So far, my class seems MUCH less challenging than last year. I feel bad for the fourth grade teacher. :( Sorry!! Right now, I'm at 21 kiddos - which seems like a breeze compared to my 27 of last year. I'm really trying to stay on top of things this year. I'm so used to just being able to come in on weekends to get work done, or stay late any night I want. I really want to try to squeeze as much planning into my prep time that I can, so that I can try to get as much done during the day that I can. I want to be able to just go home at night without a ton of papers or other work. I thought that if I could start out real organized and stay that way - it will be a habit by February! Although, I'm saying that right now, while I'm at school, which is where I have been for the past 6 hours (and yes, it's Sunday).

Um, in other baby-related news: stretch marks have made a definite appearance on my lower belly. Being a "size large girl" most of my life, stretch marks are really nothing new, however, these are different. Way more red, way more of them. Eek! I'm not really concerned since I don't believe that itty-bitty bikini bottoms or low-rise jeans and belly shirts will ever be a part of my wardrobe (or ever have been, for that matter), but it's still a little alarming to look at! Truthfully, I didn't really think that I would get them. My skin has expanded and tightened numerous times over the last 15 years or so, depending on the diet that I was on. I thought it would just strech back out, without much fanfare. Apparently not. I am, for the most part, still wearing my normal clothes. I have a few maternity tops that I've worn a couple times, but only because I wanted to try them out, not because I really needed to wear them.

Have a great week, everyone! :)

Monday, September 01, 2008

16 Weeks

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length . Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too.

I have my 16 week appt. this week, and then the next appt. will be the ultrasound!!!!! As you can tell, we're a little excited around here to get that first look at the baby!! Yes, we are planning on finding out if it's a boy or a girl. Everyone asks me - some people are ticked that we're finding out, some people tell us we're so smart. It's all in your own choices. For us, with the baby coming in the middle of the school year, and me going back to school when my 6 weeks are up, we need to be prepared! Plus, it's our first one and I want to have everything all set - nursery walls done, clothes in the closet and washed, no "gender neutral" around here - pink or blue all the way!!!

In other news, it's Labor Day. Also known as the last day I get to sleep in until weekends, basically for the next I don't know how many years! I get to meet my class tomorrow morning bright and early! Luckily, my district got smart a few years ago and has us start the year with a half day. Everyone's so excited and this way, they can get to school, get a little taste, and then go home and take a nap. :) Although the teachers have to be there all day, I'm excited that the hottest day in who knows how long is our half day, so in the afternoon I can get work done other (cooler) places or keep the fans with me where ever I am. 90 degrees is a super way to start the school year. HA!

I actually made my way into the kitchen this morning! Basically since the middle of June when I started feeling not so great, I've been on strike in the kitchen. Sure, I can manage a bowl of cereal or chips and cheese, but a meal? Nope! Hasn't happened in a very long time. Poor T, he's pretty much been on his own for dinners this summer. Evenings aren't good for me for eating. Nothing sounds good, nothing smells good, etc. Usually, T would make his dinner and then fix me an extra ear of corn and that's what I'd have. Sometimes I'd eat at the counter with him, but usually, I was confined to my couch. My appetite has somewhat been coming back - we'll see what happens once my life returns to a normal rhythm with school. I have a feeling that I'm going to be coming home and crashing. Anyway, T and I are going to my parents' house for a little Labor Day thing and I made a peach cobbler with fresh peaches! I've never done that before, but I gave it my best try! We'll see how it turns out. :) I know a lot of you know about what I call "adventures in cooking" - all my stupid mistakes because I just didn't know! My grandma says that anyone who can read can cook. That is such a lie. It's just not true! Because I can read very well, I even teach kids how to read, and some recipes are just hard. Ugh.

Anyway, happy holiday everyone!

Monday, August 25, 2008

15 Weeks

Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam.

T said that tonight we're going to do a science experiment and watch the baby squirm away from the light. My eyes! My eyes!

I'm now back from Louisville - it was a good time and we even got to do some outlet shopping on the way home. :)

Tomorrow is a sad day - it officially marks the end of summer. I do not have kids in school yet - that's Tuesday. But, we start our meetings. I must say, I've never had a summer quite like this. I've never been so pale - I'm usually quite toasty brown by now. I had a swimsuit on once. I went out on our dock once. I never went on a boat. However, my couch got a lot of my quality time. Looking back, it was a very good summer. And a very good time to be in the first trimester and feel like crap.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Adventures in a strange town

Today the conference started and it is very good - it's nice to know that the way that I'm moving my teaching and the way that our district is moving in is progressive and can make a difference! I think when every teacher graduates from college and gets their first job, they think they can truly change the world. What happens to that drive?!? Umm... time, exhaustion, emotions, personal life, etc, etc... Anyway, I feel like I gain a few of the IQ points that I know that I have either lost or misplaced since college. I used to be pretty smart and use big words and speak eloquently. Maybe 9 years of trying to simplify things many times over for 8 year olds has taken some of that away. Being around smart people saying smart things that I actually understand, actually makes me feel smarter. Wow, that was really eloquent, eh?

Okay, so on to other fun things that happened after the conference finished today. Shopping! Of course, in preparing for this trip, I printed out info on several malls and other fun-looking attractions in the area. I was truly in need of a few things - my mom's bday present, for instance. Her bday is the day after I get home. I found a Brigh.ton store and promptly took care of that problem. :) We then had a lovely dinner - expense accounts are fantastic things. On the way back to the hotel, we needed to fill up the Exped.ition and the fuel card they gave us is only good at certain stations (read: crazily located and very random truck stops). So, thanks to Tom.tom, we found the station and then had many difficulties using the card and getting it to be accepted. Then, when it was accepted, the PIN wasn't accepted. Frustration!!! A very kind man, who we think worked there, pulled up and tried to help us - to no avail. He then informed us that we should go find somewhere else because that was a "pretty f-ed up neighborhood." Lovely. Us three blond women (two of whom are preggers) hauled ass back into the truck and managed to coast into a very handy and well-lit Mara.thon. It was a great adventure. Ugh! We managed to get back to our hotel safe and sound and that's the important part! T was just thrilled when I told him this story. From now on, no more scary truck stops in the dark in f-ed up neighborhoods!

It's so bizarre staying in a hotel room by myself. It's so quiet - it's just me. And it's not like I'm totally here by myself - the other girls with me are not far away. I had a crazy time trying to sleep last night - different noises and I was absolutely convinced that I was going to either miss my alarm or it wouldn't go off. I woke up in a panic a few times. T is now going to be my wake-up call. :) The only other time that I had stayed in a hotel by myself was my freshman year of college. I was coming home from spring break and got stranded in the airport. I had no luggage with me for carry on- wearing shorts, had to sleep in my contacts, I was 18 and terrified. I feel a bit better now! :)

Okay, I'm off to take my pills and head off to bed for another day of sitting and then probably some more shopping! :)

One last thought - heartburn sucks. are divine.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In the car...

How cool is this - I'm online on my laptop in the car on the way to the conference in Louisville. I was able to score a ver.izon broadband card from my technology director to take to the conference. Of course, I had to try it out at home. I must say, it puts my (pitiful) dial-up to shame! Yes, all of you who gasped at the mention of dial-up, I do still have it. It's all that we can get out in the boonies other than buying a lot of expensive equipment and having another dish on our roof. I am loving this thing. T said that we can get one as long as we get rid of something else. I would LOVE to get rid of our land line. I hate our phone. Not just the phones themselves - they do suck. But just the actual phone - it rings all the time whenever I don't want it to. I so so wish that we can - as long as we don't need it for our satellite, then goodbye land line!

Anyway, another almost 2 hours and we'll be there. YAY!